Season 2 Episode 6:Damn He Op!

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The X-Men and New Recruit Zion sit around Charles inside of a cerebro.

"Ok so...the hell is this gonna do again?" Zion asks

"It allows Professor to see every mutant and human on earth and he's attempting to find this ridiculously powerful mutant you said" Jean says

"It shouldn't be much hard if he's as powerful as you say Zi" Charles says

Cerebro activates as Charles searches.

Charles's eyes turn black.

"Xavier? Charles?" Zion shouts.

"Zion...he's not alone. Extraordinary he's telling the truth this power I sense" Xavier says

"What do you see?" Zion asks

"The answer" apocalypse says

Apocalypse's eyes turn white.

Immediately Zion holds his head in pain.

"Oh, my God" jean shouts walking towards Zion who drops to his knees shouting in pain.

"Thank you for letting me in" apocalypse says

The entirety of cerebro turns purple.

"Charles, get out!" Hank shouts

"I've never felt power like this before" Charles says.

"Charles...Charles, get out of there!" Hank shouts

"What's going on? What's happening?" Jean asks

"I think...Someone's taken over Cerebro. They've taken control of it" Hank asks

"To do what?" Jean asks

"To connect" Zion says his eyes as well turning black.

"Always the same. And now, all this. No more stones. No more spears. No more slings. No more swords. No more weapon! No more systems! No more! No more superpowers" apocalypse shouts

Apocalypse takes control of the professor and uses his telepathy to get every nuclear weapon across the globe launched into space.

"Charles!" Hank shouts

He tries to get it off Charles but Is shocked making Charles and Zion scream in pain.

"What the hell is going on?" A soldier asks

"Who's turning the keys?" Another soldier asks

"The men are. Who green-lit the launch?" The soldier asks

"Hank, do something!" Jean shouts

Hank tries to destroy cerebro but fails.

"It won't shut down!" Hank shouts

"We've lost contact with all Trident and Polaris subs The Air Force is reporting the same thing" a soldier asks

"So much faith in their tools... and their machines" apocalypse says

"Russia, China... England, Israel, India. Everybody's got nukes in the air" a soldier skss

"What's the target? Where are they going?" The boss asks

"Up, straight up" a man says

"Zion can you still stand!!!!" Charles shouts

"Barely!!!" Zion shouts

"Destroy it! Destroy everything. Destroy Cerebro!" Charles shouts.

Zions eyes glow white.

He swings his arms destroying each part of cerebro Charles screams in pain.

"You can fire your arrows... from the Tower of Babel...but you can never strike God!" Apocalypse shouts

Zion glows white and everything around him is destroyed.

"Charles, are you okay?" Hank asks

"Zi?" Jean asks

Zion enters and sighs.

Apocalypse and his horsemen and woman appear.

"Erik" Charles says

Apocalypse nods and Zion falls unconscious.

He then floats Zion toward him.

"Zion!" Jean screams "Scott!"

Cyclops rushes them.

"Hey! Hey, asshole!" Cyclops shouts releasing his optic beams at them but they teleport away.

"Stop! No!" Hank shouts

Scott fires an energy blast intended to Angel, but they teleport, causing the projectile to strike a generator. The resulting explosion destroys the X-Mansion.

Quicksilver notices that it is exploding and uses his super speed to get everyone, starting with Beast, Jean, and Scott, and even their pets out to safety on the school lawn.

He initially does not fully take the situation seriously, even stopping to watch two people flirting and to get a drink, before realizing he should hurry and get everyone out just in time.

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