Episode 15-Stryke

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Outside, Stryker takes the cables keeping the helicopter on the ground off, but just then Wolverine shows up, punches him and pops his claws in his arm. Stryker screams in pain "How does it feel, bub? Why did you come back? You cut me open. You took my life!" Logan shouts "MY MIND IS GOING THROUGH HELL CAUSE OF WHAT YOU SAID!!!!" Zion shouts

"You make it sound as if I stole something from you. As I recall, it was you where the ones who volunteered for the procedure" Stryker says "Who are we?" Logan asks "You...two...are just failed experiments" Stryker says provoking Logan into digging his claws deeper into Stryker's arm

"If you really knew about your past... what kind of person you were... the work we did together-People don't change, you two. You were animals then. You're animals now. I just gave you claws. And I just gave you the skeleton" Stryker says Suddenly, they hear an alarm going off then water burst out of the dam.

"What the hell is that?" Logan asks "What is it?" Zion asks "The dam's ruptured. It's gonna flood water into the spillway. It's trying to relieve the pressure. It's too late. In a few minutes, we'll all be underwater. Come with me, and I'll tell you everything you want to know. You can't help your friends. They're as good as dead, you two!!" He shouts Zion and Logan look down

"You're a survivor, always have been" Stryker says "Oh, I thought I was just an animal... with claws If we die, you die" Logan shouts He then pops his claws in Stryker's neck and Zion uses his powers to tie him to the helicopter's leg with the cable before running back in together.

As the dam keeps breaking, shaking the whole structure, Jean tries scanning for the only missing people Zion and Logan. Zion and Logan are running through the halls, desperate to save their friends.

After saving Cyclops and Professor X, all the mutants run through the halls to the spillway, believing it to be their only escape. They get to the doors, but Logan pops out of a tunnel and pops his claws in a fuse box, closing the door before they'll get caught in the flood.

then water burst through the cracks to confirm. Zion and Logan lead their previously found friends through the other way out. Outside, the water stops leaking through the dam, as they're redirected. The mutants rush out to the snow. Artie falls, and Logan carries him in his hands. To their shock and horror, the helicopter is already gone, taken by Magneto. Suddenly, the jet shows up spinning uncontrollably in the air. Rogue is piloting, and makes an emergency landing, crashing in the snow. Both her and Bobby seem scared to death and breathe heavily, as their friends enter the jet. Kurt teleports Xavier inside. Logan, still carrying Artie, looks at the woods and goes to them instead of to the jet Zion follows behind.

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