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"Me or the pizza"

I walk away from in front of her and head to the kitchen where the pizza was, "I would like the pizza please."

She bursts out into a fit of laughter, which due to that I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not. I mean, I wouldn't have minded her BUT I was actually hungry for pizza so that's what it'll be.

There's paper plates beside the pizza boxes so of course I help myself because who else is gonna eat it? ME.

"I don't think your choice was very wise but it'll do."

I take a bite of my pizza, "ma'am, I've done some thinking and I can no longer see you."

She steps back a bit and gives me a concerned glare, "why? Did I do something wrong?"

"Actually yes. You don't follow me on any socials and I had to ask someone else for your number."

She furrows her eyebrows, "are you being serious?"

"Very." I continue eating while she grabs a slice.

She walks away for a second then comes back with her phone, within minutes I'm getting followed on instagram, TikTok and even damn Facebook.

"And you already have my number. What else do you want from me?"

"For you to show me what you have to show me."

She places her slice of pizza down on a plate, scrolling through her phone. She ends up holding it up for me to see and it's pictures of us at the event and us dancing at the after party. They were oh so cute and I was confused on why I hadn't seen them.

Especially the one with me dancing on her, I absolutely loved that one. "Wait, go back to the one with us dancing." I point at her phone which she goes back and smiles at it.

She tilts her head to the side, "you like that one too?" She asks and I nod. I also couldn't help but to notice that we looked extremely happy with each other. It's definitely too soon to say but but you can see it and feel it while looking at the picture. The event album was full of almost just us, almost like we were the highlight of the night which we was, period.

"Where'd you find these?"

"They're on Ebony Talks' website and instagram."

"Those are lovely. While we're on this topic, I had a really good time with you at the event..... and after." I laugh a bit after I spoke but I was serious.

Tish also laughs and continues to eat her pizza. You can tell she's getting flustered so I don't say anything else.

"Well, I can say the same, really. I was really excited to meet you after all that was going around on social media."

"Actually let's talk about that." I lean on the counter, waiting for her to respond. Of course it takes her a second because she flustered AGAIN.

I guess she thinks for a minute. "I don't even know how everything occurred, like it just did. One day is then the next my socials are literally just full of you, blowing up my phone."

"No because literally that's what happened to me. How'd it make you feel though on a serious note?"

" it was annoying at first but when I seen you and started to do a little bit of research, I began to be fine with it. It was like something that happened over time. I didn't mind it because you were very cute and that's when I figured out who you were and that you were going to the event and I wanted to meet you from there."

My heart sank, but in a good way. She stalked me on my socials is what I got from that.

"So you were watching me?"

She nods, "absolutely, I have no shame. How else was I supposed to figure out who you are?"

"Judgement free zone. I mean, I did the same already knowing who you were so even steven." I finish eating and throw away my plate.

Not me telling on myself. I literally just threw myself under the bus. I mean but it's perfectly fine because I guess we're being transparent with each other, as we should be. That is how a relationship forms, and that's what I want with her; a relationship.

I would never tell her that because I'm not the type of person to do so but I feel like with the right amount of time something like that will just come about without any of us having to really try if you get what I'm saying.

"You're telling on yourself, girl who drinks juice. At least I know you're not the type to fib."

I almost laugh at the last thing she said but I catch myself because I remember she's British and British people have their own slang but LMFAOOOO.

"Anyways, am I chilling here until it's time for me to go?"

"Of course, that's why I suggested you to come here and get out and what not."

"So what are we gonna do?"

She walks a little closer to me, "I'm still hungry."

"Oh Tish PLEASE LEAVE." I laugh pretty hard, but only because I can't take stuff like that seriously.

She also ends up laughing but it slows when we start looking in each other's eyes and we're seeming to gradually start moving closer to each other. The next thing you know, we close the space between us and immediately sparks fly just like the first night. Cringe

I didn't plan for any type of deed but if I HAVE to, I will BUSS IT WIDE FOR A REAL bleep.

Lips end up on each others necks and whatever. No one's coming up for air, we just keep going at it. Her hand ends up wrapping around my neck.

We're like this for a while before she bites my lip while pulling away. Eyes jaded as HELL, legs shaking, waterfalls elsewhere..... "lord have mercy."

And then too bad we are just friends 🙇🏽‍♀️

Yeah, I'm proud of this one. I wasn't gonna update but I felt obligated. Anyways, there may be a time where I go further with it but for now, it was just a dip in the water. I promise I'm good at smut, just these gxg be taking me OUT. The plot will change within the next few chapter so get ready for that. I'll be introducing new people, there will be hangouts, etc it will get a little crazy. You all are still fruity, ain't no way around it💕🏳️‍🌈

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