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It had been a little over four weeks. Letitia didn't want to travel after being out of town doing stuff for her movie. She ultimately wanted to chill for a few so she flew to my house first thing and that's exactly what we did.... Chilled...... anyways. After about a week and a half, we went ahead and flew over to Las Vegas.

There are lights everywhere.

Today was Letitia's birthday, which it also happened to be Halloween. Tish and I were in the back of our drivers car looking out of the window while also holding hands. We were driving down the strip to Caesar's Palace and my mouth is just wide open. As many times as I'd been here, I just couldn't get enough of the sights.

"So pretty right?" I ask, looking at Tish who's just mind blown.

Tish doesn't even look at me when she answers, "it's nothing like I've ever seen before."

"It gets so much better than this. Wait until you see the hotel."

We continue to talk and hold small conversations all the way to the hotel. As soon as we get there, Milo (same driver YES) grabs our bags and follows us to our hotel room after we grab our keycards. Now, though I didn't plan this trip, I definitely planned the hotel stay. Presidential suite on the very top floor of course.

"You can drop them here Milo. I'll send your tip now."

He nods my way and he walks off.

"So, I just wanted to tell you happy birthday and that I love you so much. You're my everything and I just can't wait for you to see what I have for you." I vent out to her. She tilts her head to the side and she pulls me in for a hug.

Tish pecks my neck, "I love you too. You're just as amazing."

I pull away, and look her in her face. It looks like she wants to tear up but she doesn't. "Okay bae, close your eyes."

Letitia does as she's told, covering her eyes with the palms of her hands just so I know she's not peeking. I open the door and I get behind her and I slightly push her into the door, guiding her into the room. After I do that, I grab up the bags and place them inside the door.

Now I had something arranged for Tish and her birthday. Yes it costed a pretty penny, but I can assure you it was more than worth it. I wanted to do everything I can to make sure her birthday was memorable.


Balloons were everywhere, bottles of wine, rose petals, bouquets of flowers, bags of gifts. Everything was perfect thanks to Milo and his wife, Iyani.

Letitia looks around in complete shock, one hand over her mouth as she approaches the table with all the flowers, balloons, and shit. "Y/n," she starts, still amazed by the things I'd done for her. I loved the way she reacted, love knowing that I could make someone so happy.


"I am so in love with you."

"Awwww I'm in love with you too. Happy birthday, baby"

She wastes no time placing a hand on my jaw, pulling me in for a kiss. It's more of a small make out, not just your simple peck. That girl was truly in love with me, and as she should be.

Tish pulls away from me with a huge smile on her face and she points to the table full of gifts, "can I open?"

I laugh at her childishness, "yes you can."

Letitia immediately walks up to the larger gift bag, "not that one. You can open that one later." I say, walking up to snatch it up and place it in the floor next to the table.

"Why not now?"

"It's a special surprise."

Special as in SPECIAL. Not for now but for later, if you catch my drift.

She nods, now picking the smallest bag. She snatches out the tissue paper, dropping it to the floor. One of her hands reaches up to cover her mouth. It was a necklace with her name on it, authentic gold plated with diamonds.

"How much did this cost?" She asks.

"Don't worry about it. I know you liked the one I had on, so I got you one of your own. Let me put it on for you."

"Can we switch?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "you want mine?"

Letitia then nods, "yes I want yours."

I knew she wasn't being ungrateful, she was being cute. I adored her for that. I take my necklace off and I put it on her while she does the same thing with the necklace I bought her.

The next few minutes consisted of tons of kisses and 'I love yous' the relationship growing significantly stronger than the time we'd just got here.

I had got her the necklace, a brand new white suit, accessories to go with it, new shoes, perfume, and of course a large picture of us when we first met.

Letitia was over the moon with everything she got. She spent the next hour telling me how much she loves me. She couldn't keep her hands off of me, that's how I could tell she ultimately wanted to go down on me- well us👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

"Room please." She tugs at my fingers, trying to get me to stand up.

I chuckle at her neediness, "Tish what has gotten into you?" I knew full well what was going on, I wasn't going to give into her that fast. She's going to have to ask for what she wants.

She stands in front of me, "I want you, right now."

"Damn I get you a couple of gifts and that makes you want me? I should buy you more stuff."

"Y/n pleeeaaase." She begs me, her hands tightening around my own.

"Fine. I guess you can open the big bag now."

Letitia squints her eyes at me, walking over to the table, bending down to grab the gift bag. She walks back my way, placing the bag on the coffee table in front of me. Throwing the tissue paper to the side, her eyes widen a little before slowly looking up at me.

"Not only that, shouldn't I be using it on you?" I ask, accidentally dismissing the fact this it's HER birthday and not just your regular average vacation. I should be the one 'giving her a good time.'

"No, I'm using all of this on you."

Remembering what I put in the bag, I shake my head, "No the hell you ain't. Some of that shit is for you when I'm not around."

See, being in a relationship with Letitia, you learn some stuff about her. With that being said, she's not exactly vanilla- quite the opposite actually. The things she's done when I wasn't around...... You'd think she'd keep it to herself but she tells me absolutely everything.

"Don't care. Room now."

HELLOOOOOOOOO????????? ARE WE BREATHING???? DID WE FLATLINE???????? HOW ARE WE DOING?????? I hope you guys are liking the story oh em gee. I actually contemplated posting this because I'd updated yesterday... BUT I'll spare you all bc I love you. You will not be getting one tomorrow. Two more and it's a WRAP. Come out the closet already😩🏳️‍🌈

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