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"She's acting like your sugar momma which she's not. That's your girlfriend." Victoria explains as we walk into the mall.

I only laugh briefly, "I know but it's like I never ask for anything, I don't want it. She just sends it."

"Girl block her on damn Zelle. Like how she do you, permanently block her."

Oo, she right. Why I ain't never think about that.....

I don't even say anything, I stop in my tracks, take my phone out, and send the money back through cash app and then blocked her on anything she could send me money through. Now there was Apple Pay but I wasn't blocking her number. Not even a few minutes later I'm getting a call which causes me to step aside out of the way and take it.

"Hey sexy."

"What are you doing?" She asks, clearly frustrated but I pay it no mind.

"Out and about with Victoria."

"Why'd you send it back?"

"Because I told you that I didn't need it and that I was fine."

"That has nothing to do with me. Unblock me."

"Nope. Gotta go though, it's getting crazy out here. Bye!!!"


If this was an argument, it would've been funny. After I hung up I kept getting calls, around 9 of them to which I ignored because I ain't fighting with her over no money, that's the least of my needs right now.

Victoria laughs, "now why you hung up on that girl?"

"Because she was getting on my nerves. I don't want no damn money from her." I slip my vibrating phone back into my pocket.

"So I have to ask," we begin walking. "Who wears the pants in the relationship?"

"Me." And it's true although we can both be as equally as dominant. She's more of the sweet kind of person, super cheesy, never wants problems... sometimes. "But I wouldn't say I'm the one that's like the MAN but I'm definitely a little more alpha than her."

Victoria looks at her phone then back to me and she nods with a smile on her face. "Mhm, I see it."

"Besides I wouldn't put a label on it, I already did but we're equal."

"But you're more alpha?"

I nod, "yes, by a little."

"You make no damn sense." She shakes her head and we walk into foot locker where we're immediately greeted by workers but we ignore them unintentionally because we were talking.

"I'm just saying we're equal but for me and my personality, I come off strong. That's just me."

Victoria side eyes me. I just simply turn away from her and look at some shoes I may want for my trip. I had plenty of time to shop and get what I needed but an early start was ideal. I picked up a black pair of Nikes briefly before putting them down to say something to Victoria which she's smiling immensely at her phone. What the hell could that be?

"Ma'am, you're smiling at your phone. Who's the lucky man?"

"What are you talking about?"

My smile drops and she looks around innocently. I knew what that smile was, I did it all the time when it came to Letitia.

"Girl bye." I walk away from her, right out of the store and into Kay. Sooner than later I'll get it out of her.

And I do but only when we're at the food court.

"So are you going to tell me who's got you smiling like that because I know it's not Solana."

Victoria laughs, "fineee, it's Tenoch. You know the fish man?"

"Girl I know who damn Tenoch is. My only question how did you meet said fish man."

"Well, you know I just came back Sri Lanka with Solana. I'd met him there. Him and his friend hung out with us. Boom in the talking phase."

I raise both of my hands, "thank the LORDT you can finally stay out of my business because you now have your own. When's the wedding?"

She scoffs, "oh please when's your wedding?"

I look up from my plate with my fork in my hand, "planning something soon, I'll tell you then."

She tilts her head with a straight face, "why not tell me now?"

"Because, it will ruin the surprise and seemingly you can't hold no damn water."

She gasps, "you don't trust me?"

"It's not that, but I'd just rather not tell you NOW." Truly loving Victoria right now.

Victoria supremacy 🧎🏾‍♀️
Me and Victoria finally part ways and I was headed home. It was silent before I'd received once another call from Letitia which I answer.

"You've got one more time to ignore my calls." Was the first thing she said when I had answered.

She receives a chuckle from me, "Letitia I ain't arguing with you over no damn money. I sent it back, get over it. How's the movie going?"

"It's going good. Slow process but I can't wait for you to see it."

"That's awesome Tish, I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, my love but most of all, I'm so ready to see you."

I get flustered once again while talking to Letitia. It was something that always happened. It's been a few months since we've been dating and she'd always have that affect on me and it never got old. The feeling only growing with every time I spoke to her.

"Im ready to see you too, I miss you a ton."

Now this was cheesy but that's how all romance books are, cheesy and downright cringe. This ain't cringe doe💃🏽

Countdown til the end guys, 4 more chapters left. Something big is happening very soon!!! Love you all, stay fruity🥳🏳️‍🌈

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