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I stare blankly at the phone as it kept ringing

Tisha Michelle Wright💕

Was her name in my phone, I absolutely loved how simple it was. I still really liked her, but why did she have to lie to me? Though there were no promises made, wouldn't you feel obligated to stay loyal to a person whom you want a relationship with? Not only the lying, the interaction with her and that other girl.

I couldn't bring myself to answer the phone, instead I put my phone on silent and sigh. "Can we please go to the liquor store?" I question Victoria even though I knew she didn't drink, I did.

"Very much so."

And with that, we just throw on something quick and head to the liquor and right back to the house. We picked up tequila and Hennessy, light and dark of course. Now I know you not supposed to mix light and dark but I was in a light and dark mood so light and dark it is.

During this time, I'm taking shot after shot before my bottles are being taken from me. "Hey.... I want that back." I try my best to say as proper as I can, success.

Victoria takes the liquor and puts it away, "that's enough. And when you sober up, call Letitia bc how the hell she got my number?"

"For emergency contact onlyyyyy."

"Well this ain't no emergency, tell her to stop blowing up my phone."
"Thank goodness you answered." Yes, I finally picked up the phone, only for the sake or Victorias sanity.

"Listen, I'm not apologizing for anything that I said because I meant it. You were in the wrong completely and I wouldn't have done something like that to you."

She sighs, "y/n I'm sorry, I got drunk and agreed to go out after the concert. I didn't expect for things to turn out the way it did, it just sort of happened."

"What happened to you saying 'what the fuck do you want me to do bro' do you still feel that way?" Lord, y/n do not start an argument again, I can't take it.

"Hell no. I really want us to work y/n, seriously I do. I've blocked her on all socials and I'm still in the middle of blocking people."

Awwww, stop this is so cute. My heart swells then softens again, I wasn't buying it all the way but I love to be sweet talked I was ultimately wrapped around her finger just like how I called it in the beginning of this story. We must stay focused.

I smile a wide smile but I try not to show it while speaking, "trust needs to be built between us again before I fully agree you talk with you on a day to day basis. However you think you need to win me back, do your best. If I spot bullshit I'm blocking you, on some real shit."

"I get it, I would feel the same way too."

"Yeah I know. And don't call Victoria anymore, she'd like for it to only be for emergencies."

A little chuckles emits from the other side of the phone, "done. But how are you?"

"I need me another drank, which on that note I'll be getting. Talk to you later."

Its about a week later and Letitia and I have been talking again. In the span of the week she's called me 42 times... 6 times a day. But I haven't talked to her since earlier yesterday. I mean, I like that she's really trying but o em gee. Anyways, I've also received gifts like hoodies, candy etc from her which I'm not complaining who don't like hoodies and candy.

I'm back at the pool again, trying to enjoy my time here uninterrupted which is going great. I'm by myself with some music playing and a cup of wine by my side. So very peaceful.

This is the part where we guess I get interrupted, you're correct. The doorbell rings, which I didn't order anything, I wasn't expecting a package, no one's told me they're coming to see me. Why would I get up to get the door? And I don't.

That's until it rings again

And again

And again

"For fucks SAKE." I almost screamed out, getting up from the pool to get the door.

"What the fuck do you-"

It's Letitia.

It was the first time I'd seen her since the two days after the event so it's been a minute. I was a little on edge still from what she did to me, and as much as I want to put it aside, I just can't stop thinking about it.

"Why are you here? Wait a minute, how did you GET here?"

She smiles with her suitcase in her hand, "Victoria."

I press my lips together, "mm, well come in I guess." I step aside, wanting to grab my bottle of wine that stayed by the pool. Since the argument, my nights consisted of wine, tequila and more wine. No I wasn't becoming an alcoholic, BUT I enjoyed my drinks every night.

"How have you been?"

I ignore her question because she knows how I've been. "Why didn't you call?"

"Well I wanted to surprise you." She says as she parks her suitcase by my couch.

I almost scoff but I catch myself, "I'm definitely surprised."

She picks up on my standoffishness, "what's wrong?"

"I really like you, I never stopped. But every time I think about you and her I get so mad. Yes it's jealousy and it's been a week but it's so hard to get over something that hurt you so bad."

Just seeing her made me think about the other girl and it made me sick to my fucking stomach- or was it the wine settling in? I don't know but I hated it.

Before she can speak again I interrupt her, "did you do anything else with her? Kiss her, sleep with her?"

She quickly shakes her head. And in my own head all I could say was "YOU LIAR" but of course I didn't say it. Blank stare.

"I'm serious, what you saw in the club was all that happened." She adds, her hands at her side.

"Sit at the kitchen table, I'll be right back." And I walk away to grab my lie detector test because I be doing that on the side and I'm tiredt of being lied to. On top of that, I'm certified.

The machine is heavy with wires attached to it which are dragging on the floor as I bring it to the kitchen. She looks back at me as I walk up to the table, "what's that?"

"A lie detector test." I slam it on the table beginning to hook it up.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you have a problem? Do you have something to hide?"

"No, I don't. This is extreme though."

I place my hand on my hip, stopping the process of getting my machine together, "remember when you lied to me last week? I ain't going through that shit again. Give me your arm."

She does but not without a sigh. I wrap a wire around her arm then another around her chest. "Are you ready?"

"I guess."

She's not nervous but more so taken back which I don't care. I turn on the machine and let it calibrate.

"On the night of the concert did you, Letitia Wright sleep with that girl."


I let it finish up, "and the lie detector determines,"

Yeah I ain't updating after this one😏 just joking but it may or may not take me a minute to get the next one out. IS SHE GUILTY??????? I guess we'll never know❤️ I'm still really deciding if I wanna write smut bc I want to but be ready to cry bc it's so long. Anyways, new characters are still coming just wait a second. Stay fruity💕🏳️‍🌈

Just Wright (Letitia Wright x Black Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें