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Five years later

"Mama!!!" The voice of a small child echos throughout the house.

Letitia crouches down for the baby girl who's running into her arms, "hi, my baby. Mama missed you."

All you could do is lean against a wall in the corner and watch in awe as your wife, Letitia, and your child, Miana (me-ah-nah) shared their affections. You see, Tish had been gone for a week for some TV appearances and interviews. All Miana could do was just babble on about how much she misses her other mommy. Every time she'd mention it, it made your heart swell a million times.

You'd carried that child due to a medical procedure called insemination. You both found a host who has some of the same features as the both of you. Even though the child wasn't exactly Letitia's, she looked just like her. As soon as you gave birth, Letitia adopted the baby, and signed the birth certificate. Ever since then your lives have changed for the better. Not to mention you both had been married for a little over three years.

With your child in her arms, she walks over to you, kissing you as if it had been years since she's seen you. She missed you so much, every waking moment she thought about you and Miana.

"I'm so glad you're home." You say sweetly after pulling away, leaning into Letitia's touch. It was always something about her that made you extremely submissive especially ever since you both have been married. It's like that 'alpha' you ran away. It definitely wasn't in your best interest considering your personality, which was indeed alpha.

Letitia pecks your lips one more time, "me too baby. I missed you both."

Your eyes scans her whole body, quickly landing on her left hand where her wedding ring is just a shining. Looks like she just cleaned it. Though you don't mention anything, you notice every small thing about her, remembering the first time you seen Letitia leading up to the fact that you fell deep in love with her. She knew it too, even Miana knew. That small child making you both hold hands and kiss, it just made her all giddy.

"How long will you be home for?" You asked, hoping it wouldn't be a week just like the last time. You hated when she left for long periods of time, it caused you to feel like you're going through withdraws. Letitia has tried to adjust her schedule as much as she can so she can have time with Miana while you went to your meets and interviews. Still on the topic of your fans (sort of) the people who support you have seen Miana and just love her.

Times here and there you'll make a few videos with your daughter just to keep everyone on their toes, if not they'd scream at you. It's like they don't even want content of you, they want either Miana or you and Tish, never just you which often made you laugh.

Letitia smiles big, "I'm all yours love, won't be until March." She says, planting a kiss to your forehead. It was early October which meant she'd spend her birthday, Miana's birthday, and Christmas here with you and your baby. You were over the moon excited for the things that would occur within this given time.

Miana turns to you, "Mommy, I want gigi." You lived closer to your own mother than Letitia's so it was often that Miana would spend some time at your mothers. It had been a while since she'd seen her grandma so it doesn't take long for you to agree and call your mom just to make sure it was okay, which it always is.
Now that Miana was with your mother, you and Letitia had stayed in and cooked dinner. Of course you'd made the food, just to show a little hospitality and to welcome your wife back home. She'd offered first but you beat her to it.

"I wouldn't have minded cooking for us." Letitia sits at the bar, already swiveling in the chair like a child. You'd loved that part of her, how childish she was with you when she wanted your attention to only be set on her. Though it sometimes doesn't work considering you actually had a baby to look after.

You turn back from the stove, "I'm sure, but I wanted to do a little something extra."

No you didn't actually mean EXTRA, you just meant you were cooking something you never cooked before which was Risotto, stew chicken and mixed vegetables. Well, you'd made stew chicken before, just not Risotto. You actually didn't know how it would turn out but the both of you loved the rice dish so why not try and make it yourself.

Letitia doesn't say anything, instead she gets up and walks over to you and wraps her arms around you. She kisses your neck, being just as sweet as she could be. You definitely didn't want the food to burn due to her shenanigans and you let her know before you fall under that spell of hers.

"Tish, I'd like to finish cooking. I don't want the house to burn down."

She's still kissing your neck, "I don't care, I'll get us a new one."

"Girl who said we was making it out? Get up off me." I joke, shrugging her off but not without a peck to her cheek.

She giggles, walking back over to her chair, waiting for the food to reach the front of her. You both couldn't lie, y'all was hungry and you were taking too damn long to finish cooking. Though Letitia doesn't say anything, you can hear her stomach growling.

It doesn't take long for you to finish cooking and plate the food. You set one in front of her and then one beside her for you. You couldn't lie, you were excited simply because you'd been tasting the food the whole time you were cooking it and it was just heavenly. You couldn't wait for Letitia to taste it.

"Thank you my love." Letitia says, digging into her food before you could even sit down but you analyze her. Her eyes closing, head nodding at the taste. "This is so good."

"You're welcome and thank you. I worked really hard on it."

"If I may ask, what's for dessert?"

You laugh a little before sitting down to eat your food, "me."

Letitia seems taken aback but deep down you not knew the answer, no one said anything else while you both ate. Nothing but sweet nothings and hands on each other's thighs and whatnot.

That's actually quickly interrupted by the sound of Letitia's phone ringing. She quickly turns her phone over and silences it.

"Who's that?" You were confused on why she did what she did. You were praying to the man above that this wasn't one of THOSE situations.

"Just the producers. They normally call on a whim to explain things up the road."

"Well answer it, it could be important."

Letitia shakes her head and she continues to eat. The phone stops ringing for a while but it starts back up again, just vibrating.

"Letitia, answer the phone."

"Tell me how can I Wright my Wrongs?"

I'm just as shocked as you all are. But this is really the end. I love all of you and I say it every time I post a chapter. I truly mean it. You all are so so funny, I laugh every time I read a comment. With that being said, again soak this up!!! Stay fruity, but most of all,

Stay toxic💰

Just Wright (Letitia Wright x Black Reader)Where stories live. Discover now