Part 17: A quiet chat with Frieda

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A set of two, heavy doors made of both wood and metal creaked as they opened. A clacking of boots against stone could be heard as you descended into the dungeons.

It had been a few weeks since your mental-breakdown, and now you were finally ready to resume with your life.

You strutted past Ymir's cell, who was quietly eyeing you with an emotion you couldn't quite depict, she wasn't why you were here anyways.

The rustling of chains rang out as the prisoner looked up towards you, the doors to the dungeons closing behind you by what few MP's remained as they stood to attention.

"Sorry I couldn't visit earlier, Hange was busy pestering me as always."

"I suppose it can't be helped, though I must ask why you are here. Surely there is a reason, right Y/N?"

"Yeah, I wanted you to explain what happened on the expedition to rescue Eren. You said you would explain everything, Frieda."

The girl nodded, her chains clanking as she did so.

"Well, ask any questions and I shall answer."

"First off, what caused whatever happened to occur?" You questioned, being in the middle of a fight meant you weren't paying attention to every little thing.

"You must have activated the power of the founding titan, I have a slight suspicion of how you did it, but I'm not certain." The response was simple, and to the point.

"What is this "Founding Titan" ?"

"That's the titan I hold, it is also known as "The Co-ordinate" to some, and while they are used interchangeably, they are not the exact same."

"What did actually happen after I activated the Founding Titan?"

"We were both taken to "The Paths" a separate dimension where time flows differently, as well as the home of The Co-ordinate."

"Just before I went to this Paths place, a group of titans came to defend me and Eren from an attack. I assume that was the doing of the Founding Titan?"

"Of it's abilities, yes. Not my actual doing."

"I see. Now how do I activate it's powers again?" This was the biggest question, something like this would make the journey to seal wall Maria far easier.

Frieda only grinned however, speaking up as she did so.

"I'm afraid you'll have to figure that out on your own, though I'm sure you'll get it eventually."

You nodded, continuing on with your questioning.

"Why didn't you tell me about these abilities when I was younger? Telling me would have surely helped keep them hidden."

"I was afraid you may misuse them, and in a way, I did tell you about them. When I gave you that ring, so many years ago. Where is it, by the way?"

"Lost, when my arm was blown up by the Armoured and Colossal titans transforming."

"You may as well take mine then..." Frieda sighed, flicking her ring onto the floor in front of you.

You grabbed the ring and put it on your finger, revealing the blade and resetting it to make sure it worked.

"The injection that turned Rod into a titan, what was it made of?" This was the question your higher-ups wanted answered the most, and also the reason you had been selected to ask the questions, to see if you could replicate the serum.

"I'm not aware of how many ingredients there are to the serum, however I know that one of them is the spinal fluid of a titan shifter."

You nodded. "Any other serums I should know about? Other then the one's Rod had."

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