Five: December 5th

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"What, Zayn?" Louis asks tiredly

"You need to stop moping around. Get off your ass, we're going out." Zayn says firmly. Liam is behind him, the usual apologetic look on his face. "Come on!"

Louis stumbles to his feet, whining when Zayn drags him to his bedroom.

Zayn randomly broke into his house about ten minutes ago, and has been standing with his arms crossed and an annoyed stare directed towards Louis. Louis, to the point of genuinely not giving a shit, ignored him.

"Make yourself beautiful." Zayn demands.


"Wear nice clothes." Zayn says.

"I am." Louis says.

"No, Louis." Zayn says, rubbing his temples. "You're wearing a pair of green trackies that you bought in Primark four years ago and a stained Little Mix Confetti Tour t shirt. You're also wearing two mismatching socks. That's not nice clothes. That's clothes that should not be paired together, or in the case of those god awful trackies, shouldn't of been bought. If you think that's nice god help us all."

Louis glances down at his outfit. "Huh."

Zayn shoves him on the bed, starting to root around in his closet. Liam appears at the door, still looking apologetic.

"You could be nice to him, babe." He says, ducking when Zayn fires a shoe at him.

"I don't have time to be nice." Zayn says. "He's yapping about being lonely and not doing anything about it. I'm this close to smothering him in his sleep."

"I'm right here..." Louis says.

"Good to know." Is Zayn's reply.

He huffs, flopping back on the bed as Zayn continues to ransack his closet.

"Why are all your clothes ugly?!" He yells in exasperation, throwing a jumper over his shoulder.

"Hey..." Liam says sadly. "I have that jumper..."

"Point still stands." Zayn says, throwing another.

Liam huffs, moving to collapse beside Louis.

They chat for a while. About football, Zayn's bossiness. It's nice, and it makes Louis realise his only proper friends are Niall and Harry. One that he's in love with, the other that he only ever talks about the one he's in love with with.

Zayn is still grumbling about his 'shit fashion sense and absolutely shit closet', ignoring Liam's attempts to make him be nicer.

His phone buzzes, and he rolls over on the bed to check on it.

What he forgot to realise is he's next to the side of the bed.

He falls off, landing on the floor with a loud thump.

Liam almost pisses himself laughing, falling off himself. 

Louis can't help but start laughing at Liam, taking several attempts to stand up again he's laughing so hard.

Once they're back on the bed, leaning against each other and giggling weakly, he finally checks his phone.

Haz: Um. I just wanted to say thank you. You're the best best friend any guy could ever have, and I just wanted to thank you for being there for me. You're a great guy, Louis. Any guy would be lucky to have you. I know you're feeling lonely right now, so I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with us?

"You have got to be kidding me." Louis exclaims, throwing his phone at the wall.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks, just as Zayn exclaims "found something!" triumphantly.

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