Nine: December 9th

118 17 48

A/N: I changed the timeline of the book to make up for the fact that it'll be 24 chapters

Ever since the night Harry caught him watching the wedding, there's a weird tension between them.

They haven't talked about it since, and now going into the sixth of December, they're just acting normal, ignoring the unspoken secrets and unanswered questions.

He doesn't know if Harry's figured it out yet, or if anyone but Niall knows. Louise always gives him these little side-eyed glares, an accusation that she doesn't dare let escape her thoughts glimmering in her expression. She doesn't seem mad at him, more disappointed. Louise also sighs exasperatedly every time Harry asks him about how his love life, so it's either:

1) If she knows; 

A) She's a jealous bitch and hates him. 

B) Is just annoyed at Harry for not realising and annoyed at him for not saying.

2) If she doesn't know:

A) She just hates him.

B) Bored of the conversations about him.

C) Suspicious but hasn't quite figured it out just yet.

He also knows that Harry 100% hasn't figured it out. He loves Harry, really, he does. He adores him, really. The man is amazing. But he's a fucking dumbass. A bit slow. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, so to speak. He's intelligent, sure. But he sort of lacks common says, and is so incredibly oblivious that Louis honestly believes he could dance naked covered in rainbow body paint and gold glitter with a unicorn horn on his head holding a sign that says "I LOVE AND WANT TO FUCK YOU, HARRY STYLES!" and Harry still wouldn't pick up the hint.

A/N: You're welcome for that mental image.^^^

Honestly, it's half welcome half annoying that Harry doesn't know. Welcome, because then he can live in peace thirsting over the best friend that'll never know about said thirst. Annoying because, well. You know. He might never have a chance unless:

A) Harry magically figures it out after:

i - Being haunted by three ghosts who take him through the past, present and future of Louis' embarrassing crush.

ii - Having a random epiphany one day after hitting his head and realising that he shouldn't live the rest of his life in denial.

iii - Actually wising the fuck up and stopping being such a dumb non-blonde.

B) Louise finally cracks and tells Harry. (only valid if she in fact, knows.)

C) Louis finally cracks and just tells him. 

D) Niall decides at 3am to tell Harry, and just sits back and watches calmly as chaos unfolds whilst he sips something like Guinness or some shit and probably eats something like Nandos or Five Guys. Maybe McDonalds, if it's a week day. Or KFC, if Niall's in a fancy mood. Or Subway, if he's not that hungry. Or home cooked, if Niall is feeling weirdly motivated that day. 

E) Harry accidentally finds out, if Louis:

i - Drunk

ii - Having a breakdown 

iii- Accidentally leaves his phone at Harry's, which features countless messages to Niall about how in love he is with the curly idiot.

Basically, there's a 60/40 chance of Harry never knowing.

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