Seven: December 7th

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He gets in the car, mind moving a hundred miles a minute. Should he lie and say he doesn't know where the camera is? That he broke it? Should he wipe some of the footage and make it seem corrupted? Should he tell the truth?

 "Um... Not 100% sure where it is. Footage might not be any good, anyway. Was kinda drunk." Louis says as Harry starts manoeuvring the car onto the road.

 "It'll be fine, Lou. Just poke around when you get home." Harry says. "Did you get that guys number?"

 "No." Louis snorts. "Don't even remember his name. Henry, maybe."

 Harry rolls his eyes. 

 "C'mon, H. You've done the same with girls before." Louis laughs.

 "When I was younger, maybe." Harry says dismissively.

 "You're not old now! You're 25 for gods sakes. You're just judging me because I'm single and 27, which is too old for that shit. You're in a committed relationship, you have a wife. I'm single, and very much alone. I just wanted to fuck a random guy and never see him again. Alright?" Louis huffs. Harry sighs.

 "I didn't mean it like that, Lou." Harry says.. "I just... I thought- I thought you were done with hook-ups."

 "That was before I was single two Christmas' in a row." Louis says. "It isn't fun at the best of times, never mind at Christmas. I just want somebody, you know? I want a long-term thing."

 "Stop looking so hard. The right guy'll step into your life, you just gotta stop waiting for him. I wasn't looking when I found Louise, and now I'm married to her." Harry says.

Louis can't stop the rush of words as they leave his mouth. "Isn't it funny how she looks so similar to me? It's like you used one of those weird apps to make me look like a girl."

 Harry's silent for a few minutes. "I didn't even notice the similarities between the two of you until that time you insisted on taking us to that new rest for our anniversary."

 And. Ow. That actually kind of hurts. Harry had been dating Louise about a year before he noticed.

While Louis knew it was a coincidence, part of him wanted it not to be. He liked to pretend to himself that it was him Harry liked, but the curly haired man was just unable to admit it to himself, for whatever reason. Because of this, he was with Louise, substituting what he could have with Louis for a 'conventional' relationship. One with a girl. He liked to entertain the idea that Harry's love was not for Louise, but for him. Louis.


Guess that would never happen now. Harry did love Louise, and his best friend's wife looking exactly like him was just an odd coincidence.

Harry didn't love him the way he wanted him to. Harry loved him like a childhood best friend, like someone who he'd grown up with, someone he'd been there for and had been there for him through thick and thin.

Harry didn't love him.

And he probably never would.

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