Nineteen: December 19th

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He spends ages trying to figure out what he's going to write on the damn cards, watching Love Actually on repeat and ignoring any text Louise sends him, as its either a stupid card suggestion or a warning about the time that's running out. 

The farthest he's gotten is buying a boom box and to memorize Liam Neesons dialogue from the movie.

He's not sure how this would help him with the Harry Conundrum, but c'est la vie, it is what it is and all that fucking bullshit.

He's also taken to singing "Christmas Is All Around" periodically throughout the day, and Zayn's taken it as a good mood, which hence makes him believe that his idea of getting Louis laid helped.

So now Zayn is taking credit for him being moderately cheery, and smirks at him every so often, elbowing poor Liam in the ribs every time Louis walks past. Which means Louis has stopped walking past the couple in order to protect Liam's lower ribs. (Liam showed him the bruise. It wasn't good. Very... Colourful.)

Harry, ever oblivious, just thinks that his good mood is due to him finally realising that Christmas is just around the counter, and randomly showed up at Louis' house yesterday (whilst he was in the midst of another rewatch of the movie) armed with decorations and an array of ugly Christmas jumpers.

After wrestling Louis into one (and a very possible bite mark being on Harry's arm), they decorated the house together, and Louis absolutely didn't think about what this could mean if he and Harry were a couple. They could be decorating for their first Christmas together. 

Anyway, Harry made him decorate, and got yelled at when Harry tried to lift him so they could hang the Christmas lights on the ceiling, and Louis' pretty sure that there's a foot shaped bruise on Harry's back.

Now he's sitting on the couch with Harry watching Nativity 2: Danger In The Manger, because they are both idiots with a stupid sense of humour.

That, and they couldn't find Daddy's Home 2 anywhere.

"So, that guy. Anything happening?" Harry asks.

Louis scoffs. And, hey. If Louise hadn't decided he was doing a big gesture, he'd confess and snog the fucking shit out of this boy. Oh well. "No, H. I haven't spoken to him. Didn't even get his number. He was just a meaningless hook-up, I didn't really want to see him again. I still can't remember his name."

"Oh..." Harry says. 

They focus back on the movie, and about five minutes later Harry pats his shoulder. "You'll find somebody, Lou. And I'll be right there to support you when you do, and if it doesn't work out, I'll be there to pick you up. You've been there for me for so fucking long, you've been there for every heartbreak. And I really appreciate you. Please let me be there for you, Lou. You push me away when I try to help you with your love life."

"Yeah, man. Sure." Louis says, swallowing. It's here he makes a descion. Confess to Harry in a really vague way. If he figures it out, happy days. If he doesn't... He'll stick to the original plan. "I love you, mate."

"Love you too, Lou. You'll always be my best friend." Harry says.

Louis turns away.

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