Twenty-four: Christmas Eve

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- Christmas Eve -

He and Harry are an official but unofficial couple, since Harry is technically still married, even if they're split up.

It's been amazing, he and Harry have spent a lot of time together, and Harry's planning on staying overnight tonight, so they can wake up together on Christmas Day.

Currently Louis' just lying in bed, too lazy to get up. Harry isn't coming over for another hour, so he's just lying in bed. Laziness is a great way to start your birthday.

"Lou!" There's a loud banging on the door, and Harry bursts in, his arms full of brightly wrapped gifts. "Why are you still in bed?"

"I'm lazy, love." Louis grumbles, and Harry rolls his eyes fondly, dropping the gifts on the bed and sitting beside him, kissing him swiftly. 

"Open your presents, then." Harry says excitedly, clapping his hands.

Louis just reaches for Harry, and they fall backwards into the bed together.


Harry made him breakfast, and they end up cuddling on the couch, watching Love Actually yet again.

It's everything. It's life exactly how he wants it.

They're still friends with Louise, and she won't let them forget how this is her fault, and how "Louis has no balls and had to get a kick up the arse to finally fucking confess."

She loves them really.

Harry's making more effort than he ever has for Louis' birthday, something about feeling guilty for not realising sooner. It's strange, having Harry here as his boyfriend rather than his best friend.

There's a knock on the door, and a few moments later Louise walks in, laden with gifts. She fires two at Louis, three at Harry. "Here, arsehole." She finally says. "This one was too heavy to throw."

"Thanks, Louise." He says as she sits. "The spare key?"

"Yeah. You'd think you'd find a new hiding place." She says.

"Well, how else would you break into my house to be nice passive-aggressively?" Louis asks, and she chuckles, Harry looking confusedly between them both.

"So, I told my parents about the divorce. They now think you're a husband stealing with who uses his magical powers to entice men away from their wives, and that just proves how much of a spineless coward Harry is, and how much better off I am without a man like him in my life."

"What?" Harry says, hurt look in his eyes.

"Well, that's at least what I told them. They weren't impressed... Then I told them what actually happened." She shrugs.

"What the fuck?" Louis chuckles.

"They think I should stop using dark humour and dramatic insults to cope with things, it's unhealthy and it will eventually end rather badly for me, and they're not sure they'll be able to pick up the pieces." Louise says absently, then hits Louis upside the head. "Go on, homewrecker. Open the gift."

He snorts, rubbing the back of his head. He opens the largest.

The bouquet from her wedding.

"Thought you'd need it eventually." She says, shrugging, and Louis hugs her. "Oi-"

She stands, dusting herself off, hugging Harry then ruffling his hair.

"Gotta go, people to see." She says. "Oh, and I have a ship name for you two."

"What, Halo?" Harry asks, and Louise shakes her head.

"Larry, actually." 

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