Sixteen: December 16th

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By @ChristianElleth 


HARRY'S POV: I can't just fall in love. I've trained myself. I learnt from the very moment I learnt to comprehend the world as it was that love was too precious a gift to bestow on just ANYBODY. You see, living in a world where loving too much could result in your death isn't the most conducive of circumstances to lead to fall in love easily and without hesitation. It's a long, slow process, involving much thought and sleepless nights. And so I never loved. I thought I'd be one of those people who never found love...Living, shutting the world out, too afraid of being hurt. I knew I could never be a player...Those leeches who lived off the souls of others who give it to them in the name of 'love'. I thought I'd be immortal because my heart would be mine forever.. I believed that....That is...until I met...Louis.... LOUIS' POV: I thought myself incapable of any affection. After all, emotion is weakness. I would be immortal... alone maybe, but immortal...and I thought that that was all I wanted... To live forever... I rejoiced in my aloofness and cold heart... I rejoiced in the fact that I need never worry about giving my heart away....That is....until I met...Harry... AUTHOR'S POV: Louis William Tomlinson and Harry Edward Styles pulled down old standards. They brought down those ancient beliefs." You can't be immortal unless you're alone or cruel. Either will not be happy.." This propaganda was deeply rooted in the minds of every single person. It's better not to love. It's better not to have your heart broken. Think of how much love that's been wasted. People always trying to escape it move on to stop their hearts breaking. They proved them wrong....Love always wins in the end...Just like in the old stories...It's always love that'll have the last laugh.Harry had been walking down the street lost in a daydream when he tripped over someone's leg. The someone caught his arm just in time before he fell face flat and blue eyes met green. "Oops!", he murmured, embarassed and... blushing for some weird reason. "Hi", the person murmured back still staring deep into his eyes. And that was it...that's all it took. They were truly, madly, deeply in love with each other. Then Harry cried out. Louis yelled at the exact same moment. It was excruciating nothing they'd ever felt before. In most circumstances the process of falling in love would be accompanied by a short, sharp stab of pain. That signified the lover losing a piece of their soul and giving it to the lovee. The pain was directly proportional to the amount of love you felt. Greater the love, greater the pain. Never in the history of the entire world had anyone given their entire soul....But then, someone did...Two people actually...They each gave their whole hearts to the other. The pain was terrible. It was a million muscle cramps,a million anigina pectorii, a million cuts, a million stabs in the back all at once. At one point, the two of them thought that they would die but, through the anguish, they caught sight of each other and, reaching out, they took each others' hands in their own and held on for dear life. They moved closer and, through the anguish, they felt stronger than they'd ever been when alone. Harry's soft lips met Louis' cool, dry ones and the sparks flew upward. The pain vanished. The sidewalk vanished. The cars, the trees and the houses vanished. It was just them. Just the two of them. Nobody and nothing else mattered. They had each other. They held each other close and promised to never let go. History was created that day...never had two people loved each other so whole heartedly and unselfishly as those two... They gave their entire hearts to each other and the most beautiful love story ever was written."Don't leave." "There's nothing I'm running from. You make me strong." They didn't let it go. They made some more. They lived forever.

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