Twenty-Three: December 23rd

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The door opens, and Harry emerges, in a sweater and trackies, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Louis?" He says, tilting his head. "What's going on?"

"Say it's carol singers." Louis replies, and Harry frowns.


He presses play on the boom box, Harry still confused, and holds up the first card.

H. I really didn't intend on telling you this.

He drops it, watching Harry mouth along the words.

But Louise kinda bullied me into it.

I've been very greatful for you for a long time.

You've been through a lot with me.

And for that, I'm thankful.

I guess I kind of owe it to you.

To tell you, even if this fails.

Well, here it is.

A secret I've kept from you for quite some time.

Harry is still looking at him in confusion, question forming on his lips. "Lou? What-"

"Just read the card, H." Louis says, and Harry nods, watching as he drops the card.

I love you, Harry.

And not just in the 'friend' way.

Yeah, you're my best friend.

But I want you to be more than that.

Way more than that.

Realisation suddenly dawns on Harry's face, and he opens his mouth to say something. Louis shakes his head, and Louise appears down the hallway, a curious eyebrow raised. Once she's realised what is happening, she raises her arms in silent victory and walks into the kitchen, letting them have their moment.

I don't know if you feel the same, but I needed to tell you.

That, and your wife is a little scary.

Harry chuckles, a lone tear slipping out. There's a goofy smile on his face.

It's Christmas, and that's a good as time as any to confess.

I love you, Harry. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and I hope that we can at least stay friends.

And, another thing.

This isn't the first time I've tried to confess.

That doesn't matter, though.

Merry Christmas, you oblivious curly dork.

Louis smiles, collecting his cards as Harry watches, picking up the boom box and heading down the street.

He hears a scuffle, and Louise aggressively yelling "go, you fucking idiot. You bloody know who you fucking love, and it sure as hell ain't me!" And then Harry's footsteps pounding down the street.

"Lou! Wait!" Harry yells, and Louis turns, Harry panting in front of him, bare footed in the snow. "I love you too." He says shyly, green eyes shining brightly. "God, I love you too. I don't know how I didn't realise." He chuckles, sounding breathless and just a little bit insane. 

Louis smiles, and Harry surges forward, grabbing his face and kissing him.

It's everything. It's absolutely everything he's ever wanted.

Somehow, Harry is radiating warmth, his large hands holding Louis' face. His soft pillowy lips are everything Louis' ever hoped they'd be.

There's a cheer behind them, loud and free, and Harry pulls away to glance over his shoulder.

Naturally, it's Louise, arms raised in victory, dancing around in the snow. "Finally! Took you long enough, Harry. God. You're an idiot, you know that, right?"

"You're- celebrating because I just cheated on you?" Harry says, confused.

"Oh please, I've known you were gayer than Louis since we met."

"Then why did you-"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a guardian angel." Louise says, and bursts out laughing a second later. "Oh my god- your face. You stupid gullible dork-" she chuckles. "God, I love you Harry."

Harry nods slowly, and Louis giggles.

"I stayed with you because I care about you, and I didn't want you to be alone." She says. "That, and I expected Louis to have said something."

"But you told me-" Louis begins.

"I lied, idiot." She says, then runs over to hug them both. "I'll divorce you in the new year, H."

Harry giggles, kissing him again.

Merry fucking Christmas to him, eh?

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