Fourteen: December 14th

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By yeslarryprotested !!

Sprawled out on the sofa, Harry scrolled through his phone, liking the occasional instagram post and giggling to himself every time he came across a video of a puppy.

He loved their little flat with its cushioned seats and warm insulation, almost as much as he loved Louis, but not quite.

A few hours later, he heard the sound of a key fitting into the lock and, sure enough, it was his husband, his hood decorated with snow.

"Lou!" Harry called from the living room, getting up off the settee and making his way down the hallway towards his love.

Like clockwork, the two intertwined themselves in a warm hug, Harry nuzzling his nose into the crook of Louis' cold neck.

"Alright, boo. Give me time to actually get my stuff off before you suffocate me in any more hugs," Louis murmured to his husband, grinning fondly at him, dimples and all.

"Couldn't resist," was all Louis got in response as Harry skipped his way back down the hall and onto the sofa, cuddling under a blanket. Their cat, dusty, followed suit, curling himself in H's lap and falling back asleep.

Seconds later, Louis was also in the room, his hands behind his back.

"I got you something," he spoke, smiling. Behind him, he clutched a little box, wrapped neatly with a very small bow.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Christmas isn't for another 11 days?"

"I know, but I wanted you to have this sooner. You know, pre-Christmas.. Christmas present?"

Harry couldn't help the fond smile that battle its way onto his lips as Louis placed the box in his hands and waited as he peeled the wrapping paper away.

"Now, before you open the actual box, I'd like you to give it back to me. I know it's an odd request but trust me."

Harry did as he was told, placing the box back in Louis' hands. You could imagine his shock as he watched his husband kneel before him, opening the box and presenting the ring to him.

"Louis... Love, we're already married."

Louis chuckled. "Yes, I know that.

This isn't a wedding ring, it's a promise ring. I know it defeats the purpose of the wedding ring, but just listen. I want you to promise me you'll always be yourself. Promise me you'll not let people get you down, or let them take advantage of you. I love you more than anything in the world and I bought this for you to wear wherever you go. It's sort of to remind you that you're special, my love. You intrigue me more than anyone I've ever met, and I hope this ring never lets you forget that."

Harry was speechless. "... What are you, fifteen?" he laughed through his tears as Louis slipped the ring on his finger and kissed him.

"Well, I was also hoping it would help your remember me whenever I go on tour and you're not there with me..."

"Love.. we're literally married, I'm not going anywhere, and I'll most definitely never forget you."

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