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Thank you for reading my little Christmas book. A few thank yous and mentions are needed.

To Louis (not Tomlinson), for your constant support, humour as stupid as my own, and company.

To Irene, you darling, are an angel. You saved my ass more than once, and I don't think this would be possible.

To theysharethat_28 for always reading my books... And something resembling patience at the hecticness that is my updating 'schedule'

larry4eva1d you're always there, bullying me into updating, and I think most books wouldn't of passed one chapter without you. I'll get better, I promise.

To Jay, my wonderful Bluejay. You're the light of my life, and you make me better. And you let me rant... So there's that.

To Ally, even though you've disappeared, I still think about you.

To the creators of Love Actually, for making this possible. And to Liam Neeson, for the Northern Irish involvement in the film.

To H & L, for existing, and for everything you've done for me without ever realising.

To Sophie, my IRL, your support (and you don't even read my books!) is valued greatly.

To Ashton, my best friend. Slay. Just slay. 

To Sarah, who I wrote a Danny DeVito fic with. You're awesome.

To Zaiden, who keeps me from doing something stupid.

And to you, reader. You're here and you supported this. For that, I'm thankful.

Merry Christmas, and a Harry New Year! (joke courtesy of Ashton.)

- Rocky.

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