Eight: December 8th

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At home that night, Louis tortures himself with the footage of Harry's wedding. 

He's so radiant, so happy. The absolute adoration shining in Harry's eyes, the adoration he has for Louise, is making his heart hurt.

He just has to move on. It can't be that hard...



- Harry's POV -

"Louis ok?" Louise asks as he walks in the door.

"Yeah. Got drunk and hooked up with some guy called Henry, or something." He says, leaning down to kiss her.

She narrows her eyes slightly in his direction. "Bit suspicious."

"What?" Harry says. 

"You haven't realised?" She asks.

"Realised what?" Harry says. He's utterly confused right now.

"Oh my god, Harry. Are you that oblivious?" Louise says. "Seriously?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Louise." He says. He sits beside her, twirling his ring with his fingers.

"Well, if you haven't figured it out yourself, I'm not gonna be the one to tell you." Louise says, turning the page of her book. "Don't ask Louis, either. You need to figure it out yourself, you stupid idiot. I can't believe you haven't figured it out."

Harry furrows his eyebrows.


Louis gave him a key to his house a while back, and he just opens the door using that.

The house is weirdly quiet, only the very low sound of music coming from upstairs. There's also crying, so Louis' probably just watching Titanic again.

He goes up the stairs, finding Louis' room door open, and walks over.

Louis' sitting on the floor, back facing away from him as he watches the TV.

It's not Titanic. It seems to be his wedding.

Louis' shoulders shake, small sobs breaking the quiet in the room.

The current video is of his and Louise's first dance, and so far all that's happened is a close up to his face. Louise isn't even in the clip.

"Lou?" He says, and Louis starts, turning to face him, eyes wide.

He wipes the tears from his face, swearing under his breath, and pauses the video. "Uh- Haz? Why're you here?"

"Just came to see about the video..." Harry says uncertainly. 

Louis stands, placing himself in front of the TB. "I- uh- was just watching it... Seeing if it was ok. It's not the best."

"Why's it all me?" Harry asks. 

Louis sighs, head dropping low between his shoulders. He runs a hand through his hair. "I was just drunk and my vision was all over the place, my aim of the camera even worse."

"Alright... Did you lie about not knowing where it was?" Harry asks.

"Uh. Doesn't matter." Louis says.

"Why not?" Harry asks, crossing his arms.

"It's a self-preservation thing." Louis says. He's talking in riddles right now, and Harry knows he's lying. He doesn't know why, though.

"Why were you crying?" Harry asks, thinking he'll get a proper answer. Louis doesn't answer, instead stares at a spot to the right of Harry's head. "Louis. Why were you crying?"

"It's my best friends wedding for gods sake. It's emotional." Louis says. "You're my best mate and I'm super fucking happy for you, alright? Can you stop asking me questions? Oh; and another thing. Niall took videos, probably gonna be better than mine."

Harry nods slowly. "Alright."

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