Eleven: December 11th

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A/N: due to the pace of this book, it's going to be impossible for me to keep this book going until the 24th, because of this... Presenting...

Reader Written One Shots. (until next Saturday)

Todays is by @ChristianElleth


Louis! We need avocados!!!", Harry yelled, "There're absolutely none left! How am I supposed to make my morning toast?!!"

Louis walked into the kitchen, eyes groggy with sleep,"Why are you fookin' yelling so early in the morning, sun??! It's BARELY 9!"

"We have an emergency! We NEED avocados! We're all out! It's ter-", Harry tried to explain but Louis interrupted him,"ABABABABA! First! Nobody NEEDS fookin' avocados! They're foul and 'orrible! Second..ummmm....Oh well, I don't remember my point cause I'm still pretty much half asleep."

"But Lou! I NEED them for my morning toast! Please, please, please get them for me! You know I've forgotten how to drive! Boobear, sunshine, love of my life, darling, sweetheart....Pleeeeeassee!!!"

"Fuck your puppy face, Harry! And DON'T answer that with ' Oh well, I wouldn't complain '! No. NO! I am GENUINELY NOT wasting ANY of our money on those tasteless, nasty, green, OVERPRICED....THINGS!" And having made his point, Louis marched out of the kitchen without a single glance back at Harry because he KNEW he'd be a goner if he stared into those marvellous emerald eyes once more.

Surprisingly, Harry didn't make a fuss about it. He didn't pester or nag Louis into going and getting a few of those revolting....OBJECTS!

A while passed and Louis DESPERATELY wanted to make things right. He had never gone more than a few MINUTES without a hug or a kiss from Harry and it had been HOURS already (25 minutes) so he got up and made coffee for himself and for Harry in the way he knew his "Sunshine" would like it. He picked up both the cups and walked over to Harry's desk. "I made you coffee, Hazza! JUST the way you like it. With lots of cream and two pumps of caramel and vanilla each", he said setting a mug down near Harry. " Oh I'm sorry", Harry smirked," I don't want coffee.. I'm craving a hot cuppa!" Louis smiled. ANYTHING for Harry. "Coming right up, darling!"

Louis put in special effort into the making of that tea. He added in a pinch of cardomom and a dash of cinnamon. He brewed the tea to perfection and poured it into a new mug. " The cuppa you crave, love!" Harry looked up and his eyes hardened when he saw Louis standing there again. A smug grin appeared on his face," Was it tea, I asked for?!! Why, I meant HOT CHOCOLATE!" Louis was losing his patience with that petty boy but he controlled his vexation and smiled a smile that looked too stretched out," Of course you did! I should have known."

Louis forgave Harry on his way to the kitchen and concentrated on the task at hand. He added 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder, dark, white & milk chocolate chips and a sprinkling of marshmallows to boiling milk and took the fragrant, steaming cup of chocolate to Harry.

"I don't want to drink ANYTHING, Louis! I'm sorry but I just don't!",Harry stated stubbornly," Take it away, drink it, do whatever with it that you wish. I don't want it!"

Louis just turned on his heel and marched away (for the second time that day). He pushed the cup across the table in anger and nearly broke it. "WHY DIDN'T YOU BREAK?!!", he yells and middle-fingers the poor mug. He just tosses the manhandled thing into the sink and sinks into the couch.

*"You're giving me that silent treatment. Dont know what it's achieving"*

Meanwhile, Harry had a guilty conscience

HE wanted to make things right with Louis now! So he got up and walked over to the drawing room where Louis sat scrolling mindlessly through his phone. Harry sat down next to him but Louis kept ignoring him. Finally, as a last resort, H snuggled up to his Boobear but Boobear was not having any of it and got up and walked away.

Harry was not one to give up so easy! He decided to get Louis a MASSIVE box of cookie dough even if he had to walk all the way to the nearest supermarket, 3 miles away. He slipped into his shoes and coat and stepped out quietly.

Louis was feeling terrible for not having cuddled Harry when he had the chance and so he decided to put his pride aside and forgive the lad. But Harry was gone! Louis sat down again and looked desperately around him for a peace-offering.

 DING!!!! CHICKEN STUFFED WITH MOZZARELLA WRAPPED IN PARMA HAM WITH A SIDE OF HOMEMADE MASH!!!! He jumped up and started his preparations and soon had a plate fixed up and ready for his Hazza. He sat down to wait.

Harry walked into the kitchen to put his purchases away and saw the plate of food. Any single trace of anger left melted away at the sight of that chicken. "Lou, you hopeless romantic, you", Harry whispered under his breath and chuckled even though there were tears forming at the corners of his eyes,"GOD! I fücking love you!"

Louis sat staring unseeingly at the TV screen playing The Fellowship of The Ring when suddenly his vision was blocked by a tall black pillar? He glanced up and there Harry stood with tears in his eyes," Lou, my darling love.... You have bewitched me body and soul and I love-, I love-, I love you."

Louis just stared at the man he loved so fucking much he'd die for him without a second's hesitation and said," Cut the shit out and kiss me you fool!"

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