Ten: December 10th

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Today is the love of my life's, Jay, birthday. Because of this, I obviously have to get him a present. That being said, I can't get him a proper present, since, you know. He lives in Chicago.  So, I'm going to write a series of different books and/or chapters/one shots.

Jay ships Ziam more than Larry, so, in honour of this...

Here is present number one, love. 

Today's advent is a Ziam chapter! Those of you who don't ship them can either just read it or skip, it's not going to hold any meaning to the Larry side of this story. It's entirely fluff.

Love you, Jay! ❤️❤️❤️

(also bear in mind I'm not a huge Ziam shipper, so details might not be accurate)


Zayn and Liam Payne-Malik were married. They'll be married in three years in February.

They had a good relationship. One that could be used as an example for a healthy, almost perfect, marriage. They were good communicators, and while Zayn could sometimes be a bit sassy and insult Liam for no reason, but it's never meant and he apologises.

It's currently their four year anniversary. Not the anniversary of getting married, but of their first date.

Liam, ever the romantic, booked the same table. At the same restaurant. And is planning on ordering the same food.

It's a little cheesy, but who cares?

He even got them similar outfits, and bought an almost identical bouquet of flowers.

Liam picks Zayn up five minutes late, because that's exactly what he did four years ago, and stands outside the house. While they now live together, Liam had to go to work, so he changed there.

Zayn opens the door, looking mildly irritated (so the exact same to their first date), and sighs in exasperation when he sees Liam.

 "Again, Liam? Seriously?" He says. "You can recreate our first date if you want, but did you have to be late?"

 "Yes, baby. I did." Liam says, handing Zayn the flowers.


Zayn puts the flowers in a vase, then grabs his keys and locks the door, following Liam to the car.

He opens the door for him, then jogs to the other side to get in himself.


 "I can't believe how similar this entire night has been." Zayn says, reaching over the table to lace their fingers together. "It's impressive, Li. Really impressive."

 "Just wanted it to be perfect for you." Liam says, and Zayn rolls his eyes a little fondly.

 "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't want perfect. I want an amazing night with the person I love more than anything in the world, not something perfect and artificial. I don't care if things go wrong, as long as I end up wrapped up in your arms where I belong at the end of the night. Alright? Stop trying so hard to be perfect. You end up stressing yourself out and thinking you ruined everything if one little detail ends up different than what you planned. You end up so stressed that our date ends up not being as fun." Zayn says, leaning over to peck Liam's lips. "You aren't Meryl Streep, you can't be perfect."

 Liam chuckles. "I love you, Zaynie."

 "I love you too, you idiot."

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