Twelve: December 12th

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A/N: today's is by larry4eva1d !

"Hazza, love?" Louis calls out, trying to get the attention of his boyfriend.  

Hearing no answer, the blue-eyed male walks up the stairs and heads towards the shared bedroom. 

Pushing the door opened, his eyebrows form a crease when he realises no one is there. 

Next, he checks the bathroom, then walks back downstairs. 

 Where is he? The brunette wonders. 

 He checks the living room, the guest room, but his favourite green eyed boy is no where to be found. 

Like a lightbulb going off, Louis realises he hasn't checked the kitchen. 

Harry's favourite room in the house! How on earth could Louis forget about checking there! 

 He walks to the kitchen door, confused when seeing it's shut. 

The kitchen door is always opened.

 Even in the winter when the house is all cold and the heating is on, the door is opened.

 So why is it shut? 

 Louis slowly opens the door and walks in, shock forming in his face. 

 The small table has rose petals set, with two plates. There a candle put in the middle, leaving a beautiful glow to take over the room. 

And there the love of Louis' life stands, looking down, wearing a crop top leaving the bottom half of his stomach bare and a pair of boyfriend jeans. His hair covers his face, falling over his shoulders, making Louis' heart bleed. 

 "Angel, this is amazing!" Louis whispers, unable to deal with so much emotion. 

 He walks to his boyfriend, brushing his thumb over the green-eyed boy's cheek. 

 "I love you so much," he whispers, bringing the taller male's face down to kiss his small lips. 

 Getting slightly carried away, Harry pulls back, somehow remembering the food on the table.

"Louis, we need to eat first," Harry whines.

 "But what if I want you for dinner?" Louis smirks mischievously as Harry starts squirming. 

 "But I made the food for you," Harry whispers, shyly. 

 "You're right, love. I guess I'll have to wait for desserts." 

 Harry giggles and that's all for Louis to know he truly won. 

Anyone who managed to get a boyfriend like Harry is a winner. And Louis Tomlinson is lucky enough to say it's him.

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