Chapter 30: Happy Birthday Dick

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For the fifth time Bruce adjusted the streamers in front of him, causing him to grunt with frustration.

"Would you like some assistance sir?" Alfred asked, having already completed his task.

"I'm fine Alfred!" Bruce insisted with a growl.

Alfred highly doubted this and walked over to his charges work area, only to see the streamers placed in a perfectly suitable way.

"Master Bruce, that is a perfectly acceptable way to decorate, there is no need to fuss anymore." Alfred said exasperated.

"No, it has to be perfect." Bruce insisted as he went to reach for the streamers once more.

Before he could do so Alfred stopped his hands.

"Master Bruce, Master Dick will not care how these are displayed. He will more than appreciate this whole event by virtue of you and all the other guests being there!"

"But Alfred, it is his first birthday party with me, it has to be perfect! I don't want to risk him..." Bruce started to say as one of his eyes slightly twitched with stress.

"Master Bruce! You must calm down, this may be his first birthday with us, but it is still the birthday of a now six year old boy. He will be happy with whatever is there, as long as all his friends and family are part of it."

If you haven't guessed, today is Dick's birthday and at the moment Alfred and Bruce were busy decorating and preparing for it. As usual Bruce was fussing about every detail as he did with just about anything that had to do with his precious child. They were luckily just about done as this was, one, a surprise party, two, the guests would be arriving soon, and three, Dick would be arriving with Oliver, Dinah, and Roy soon after. Bruce had them take Dick out for the day under the guise of taking him out to a baseball game for his birthday. Dick at first was a bit sad, wanting to spend the whole day with his daddy, but luckily was ultimately convinced with a promise for something special from him.

"Huh, I know, it's just I want this to be perfect." Bruce sighed realizing he was acting ridiculous.

"It will be sir, because you'll be there. That's all the young master really wants in life, for his daddy to be there and to know he loves him." Alfred comforted as he gently placed a gloved hand on Bruce's shoulder.

Bruce smiled lightly, knowing all Alfred said was true.

"Thank you Alfred."

"Anytime Master Bruce."

It was then the front doorbell went off, indicating the first guests of Dick's party were here. Bruce went to the door to reveal Barry, Iris, and a very excited Wally waiting to come in. The little tyke was so excited Iris was holding him tightly to keep him from running off.

"So the speedsters show up first, what a surprise." Bruce said dryly as he let the red heads in.

"We couldn't be late even if we wanted to be this time, baby flash here was far too excited to come here." Barry deadpanned as he reached over and ruffled the little boy's flaming hair.

"It's Dick's birthday, I didn't want to be late! Auntie Iris put me down! I have to do something important!" Wally said excitedly as he was barely able to hold onto the present he held to his chest.

"Alright alright I will gingerbread man." Iris chuckled as she set her little nephew down.

Wally immediately sprinted to Bruce, bouncing up and down, and held the package wrapped in shiny red paper up to him.

"Uncle Bruce, Uncle Bruce! Here's Dick's present, it's really special so please take good care of it!"

"Of course, I'll make sure it's very safe. Now why don't you go to the playroom while you wait for the others to get here. I'm sure you'll have more fun there till then." Bruce chuckled as he crouched down and accepted the gift for the hyper eight year old.

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