The Prisoner

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While havoc unraveled at the Todoroki household, Katsuki's afternoon didn't fare out any better.

He flared his nostrils as he slipped on his cleats. The locker room was lively, boys talking a mile a minute and whipping each other with rolled up t-shirts. Normally, Katsuki wouldn't mind. UA's baseball team was full of idiots, but he considered them family. However, his patience hit its limit hours ago.

"You good, Katsuki?"

Neito pushed back his blond hair before settling his knit baseball cap over his head. As teammates and friends, it was common courtesy to check in on each other if something seemed off. Katsuki understood this, but the concern in Neito's voice grated his ears.


Neito didn't respond, which was the best response Katsuki could've asked for. He already had a therapist. That was enough people to discuss his problems with. Granted, his current dilemma still wasn't appropriate for a sixty minute session with someone looking to pick his brain apart.

Eijiro beamed on the bench next to Katsuki. "That's just Katsuki's concentration face."

"You sure?" Yosetsu Awase said across from them. "He looks pissed."

Katsuki shot them both a scowl. "You idiots know I'm right here, right?"

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, who still hadn't bothered to put on a shirt, broke out into a random arm stretch. "Well, what's your problem?"

"Fight with Camie?" Yo Shindo cut in.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Course not, dumbass." If anything, Camie was the one person Katsuki wasn't frustrated with right now.

Eijiro frowned. "Then what's wrong?"

Katsuki now had the attention of half the team. These were his brothers, the guys who always had his back. They wouldn't judge him if he opened up, just like he didn't judge when they opened up to him.

But even brothers kept secrets. And given the circumstances, this had to be one of them.

He pursed his lips and stood up. "Nothing," he said, his tone carrying a finality. Judging from his teammates' reactions, his message was well received.

Katsuki exited the locker room without turning back. Angry or not, he prided himself on being the first player on the field at every practice. Besides, baseball was the distraction he needed today.

He was still in disbelief. How dare Shouto choose Hitoshi over him. All Katsuki did was be truthful. Hitoshi wasn't good for Shouto, that was painfully obvious. Why Shouto dismissed Katsuki's concerns was a mystery, but it had Katsuki seeing red.

And to insist he was ready to have sex! To Hitoshi Shinsou of all people! Katsuki forced himself not to vomit. How could Shouto not realize he was making a huge mistake?

Katsuki remembered when he had sex for the first time. It wasn't perfect, but it was special. And it was with someone he had a deep connection with. Someone he cared for. Someone he saw forever with.

That was what Shouto deserved. Shouto's heart and soul were too pure for this cruel world. He needed a guy who would treasure and worship him. Someone who would promise him everything and more. A spirit as beautiful as Shouto's was worthy of the best. Shouto deserved to find love with a guy who knew him inside and out, accepted his flaws, and championed his strengths. A guy who always brought out that sweet smile, and that even sweeter giggle.

No way was that plaid wearing loser going to cut it.

They would've reached Shouto's house by now. What they were up to, Katsuki didn't want to think about. He couldn't decide if he was more queasy or enraged. He also couldn't decide who to kill first tomorrow, that zombie freak or Shouto.

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