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Katsuki slid into the booth. The lovely waitress that escorted him was about to hand him a menu, but he lifted his hand. He ordered before she could whip out her notepad. The words were second nature to him. A year and a half later, he still hadn't forgotten.

He peered around the diner. There were a fair share of people, but none he recognized. He intentionally chose a place outside of Musutafu to prevent being seen. He did it every time he went out to eat with Shouto now, and so far it hadn't bit him in the ass.

Today, however, Katsuki wasn't positive he'd be exiting this diner unscathed.

He arrived twenty minutes before the established meeting time. Part of it was nerves. He needed some time to gather himself. The other part was so he could order ahead of time. The sooner the food arrived, the less time they'd have to sit in a potentially very awkward silence.

The hands on his watch taunted him as they approached one o'clock. A damning itch at the back of his head told him that this distress was for nothing and she probably decided to bail at the last minute. It wouldn't be the end of the world. He could always take home the food that went untouched. That lone glass of iced tea across from him would be wasted though. Katsuki never grew accustomed to the taste.

But then at 1:02, Camie strutted into the diner and exchanged words with the receptionist. At least five separate guys checked her out as she was led to Katsuki's table by that same waitress, their faces dropping upon realizing someone was waiting for her. Katsuki was almost tempted to stand up and claim they had the wrong idea. But his junior year at UA already finished. Camie graduated last week. She would be off to South Korea any day now. There'd be plenty of time for her to attract male attention.

She sat across from Katsuki, the small laminate table between them suddenly feeling as wide as the Nile. She gave Katsuki a curt hello, so things were off to a great start.

Katsuki waited until the waitress left to address her. "Thanks for agreeing to meet me."

She shrugged and glanced out the window. "You're not the only one who has things they want to get off their chest."

"Here you go."

Not the same waitress, but two staff workers arrived at their table to set down their food. Gracing them were mozzarella sticks for Camie, spicy wings for Katsuki, and a plate of fries to be split among the two of them.

"I got here a bit early," Katsuki clarified, "so I just went ahead and ordered."

Camie narrowed her brows. "And you just assumed that I'd want mozzarella sticks?"

"Was that the wrong choice? I'll take them as leftovers if you want to get something else."

Camie, still scowling, dipped one into a healthy bowl of marinara sauce and took an aggressive bite. That answered that question.

Katsuki couldn't help it. The left corner of his mouth curved upward. Maybe their relationship was different, but she was still the same Camie. It didn't mean much, but it comforted him.

Then came the awkward silence. They quietly picked at their food, pausing to sip from their drink glasses. It was only for a few minutes, and those minutes were rough, but they also weren't as strenuous as Katsuki anticipated.

"So," Camie said, grabbing another fry, "do you want to go first or should I?"

Katsuki wiped a napkin across his mouth and set it aside. "I'll go first."

Their eyes locked, and he had her full attention.

"I'm sorry about what happened at prom. That's not how I wanted you to find out."

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