Can't help falling in Louvre

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Scarlett's POV

I hate loser class. Sierra's endless sobbing about Cody voting for her had kept me awake all night, and now Tyler wouldn't stop complaining about how 'hard' his life is. In addition, Miss Preppy Mc'Bitchy face didn't get voted off last night, because it turned out to be a non elimination.

"I'm glad that Lindsay's team won the last challenge, but her being up in first class and me being back here? Man, it sucks!" Tyler complained.

"Um, yeah I know exactly how you mean" Owen said, clearly not being truthful "Whenever I'm... um... away from Izzy for too long I get really-".

"Happy? Because your girl is a complete and total nut job? And I'm not talking tiny peanuts, that girl is a brazil nut sized nut job" Noah interrupted.


Scarlett: *Pinches bridge of her nose with her fingers* What did I do to deserve being stuck on a team full of morons? *Pauses for a second* Don't answer that.


"Where is Izzy, by the way? I haven't seen her since she asked me if I had any dynamite" I questioned.

"I saw her go to the cockpit to talk with Chef" Alejandro shrugged nonchalantly.

We all gasped.

"And you didn't stop her?!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Umm, no" Alejandro said, not understanding that his incompetence had doomed us all.

The plane started shaking.

"Alejandro, you've doomed us all!!!" I yelled, digging my nails into my seat.

Tyler, Heather and Gwen fell out of their seats.

"What's happening?!" Courtney exclaimed

"We're going down!!!" Tyler and I yelled.

The plane started dropping at about thirty two feet per minute. Fortunately, it stopped after a few moments and resumed it's ordinary flying.

"Having some trouble controlling your team, Alejandro?" Heather smirked. Noah was stuck in a bird cage, while Tyler was regurgitating in one of the overhead lockers while Owen was sitting in another.

"Your attempts to insult my team are cute" Alejandro said, with a flirty smile.

Heather rolled her eyes "Whatever! My girl power team is going to win! We don't distracted by anything. Especially boys!" she said confidently.

I smirked and pointed at Sierra, who was sitting on the ground eating ice cream with her hands, which was revolting.

Heather scowled and walked over "Get it together!" she commanded, grabbing the girl's braid and dragging her out to the dining area.

I sighed at the incompetence of my fellow competitors.

"All clear" Alejandro whispered. One of the overhead lockers opened to reveal Cody.

"Ok, I'm out." I said, before getting up and going to the dining area with my book. Sierra was sobbing at a table.

"Can you shut her up?" Heather asked me.

"Why me?" I asked

"I don't know. You look like you'd be good at making people shut up" Heather shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at her half baked compliment, before walking over to Sierra and giving her the pressure point pinch. She passed out, mumbling Cody's name in her sleep.

"Nice" Heather said.

The plane started shaking again.

"Ahem, this is your captain speaking!" Izzy said over the loudspeaker, imitating Chef "If you look out your window, you'll see what happens when a plane does a summersault!".

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