The ex files

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Scarlett's POV

Courtney ended up throwing spaghetti on Duncan's head and kicking him in the nards. Ouch. 

She's also mad at Alex for not telling her as soon as he found out, so yeah. There's that. 

Anyway, back to the show. 

Duncan was sitting on the other side of the plane, and Tyler was thinking he had good ideas. 

"I'm telling you, the guy's a jerk with a capital G!" Tyler said "I would never cheat on my Lindsay the way he hurt Courtney! He deserved two kicks to the-" 

"One, jerk starts with a J," I said "two, I am surrounded by idiots." 

"Where?" Tyler asked 

"You're proving my point, you imbecile" I said. 

"Um, permission to speak? You know, athlete to athlete?" Owen asked, holding up his crumpled medal.  

"What happened to your medal?" Alex questioned. 

"Oh, well, I ate the chocolate. So good. Then I filled it with peanuts. Ate those. Refilled it with foam packing peanuts, puked up a painful white cloud, and didn't refill it". 

"We told you the medals would be chocolate" Alex smirked 

"Give us your money" I said. Tyler an Alejandro handed us ten bucks each. 

"Um, jock talk aside, the way I see it, Duncan is a double gold in the total drama babe Olympics!" Owen said. 

"THERE'S A BABE OLYMPICS?!" Tyler exclaimed 

I left. 

"What's her problem?" I heard Tyler say. I clenched my fists. 

I sat down at one of the tables in the common area and rubbed my eyes under the lenses of my glasses. 


Scarlett: *Sighs* Sometimes I wish I could disappear. 


The plane started shaking, making me almost fall out of my seat. 

"Attention potential crash victims!" Chris said over the loudspeaker, strangely calm "Our autopilot is testing some equipment. Snacks in the common area if you don't believe me and want a last meal". 

Everyone crowded in. 

Owen picked up some bananas from a bowl on the table. 

"YOU CALL THESE SNACKS?!" he said, looking like he was going to cry "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEEEE!". He tossed the bananas in his mouth, peel and all. 

"Looking especially pasty this morning" Duncan said to Gwen 

"That means so much coming from a cyclops" Gwen smirked, indicating the massive bruise forming on his eye. 

I heard Courtney growl quietly. 

Well, any day where Courtney gets pissed off is a good day, so I'm not complaining! 

I grabbed an apple and started eating it. 

"Alex is super cute" I overheard Courtney say to Alejandro. 

I choked for a second. 

"Must leave beautiful corpse!" Tyler said, doing chin ups. His shoe somehow flew off and hit Courtney in the head, knocking her over. 

"Gold medal move Tyler" I smirked. 

"You ok?" Alex asked, helping Courtney to her feet. 

"I am now" she smiled. 

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