Jamaica me sweat

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Scarlett's POV 

Everyone in first class other that Alex and I had decided to waste food by putting cucumber on their eyes.

I was drinking some coffee and reading on my laptop.

"hey Owen! Check this out! These chairs are spring loaded!" I heard Izzy yell. I looked up from my screen to see her kicking Owen in the testicles.

"OWWWWWWW! WHY IS IT ALWAYS MY KIWIS?!" Owen screamed in pain.

"Why is it always my sanity..." I muttered


Scarlett: Why do men act like getting kicked in the family jewels is the worst pain a human being can ever experience?


I continued reading on my laptop, until I saw Alejandro get up.

He walked over to Chris.

"Dj is the only member left of team Victory. But we're prepared to welcome him as a full time member of our team. If you'll allow it?" he asked.

Hasn't this fool ever heard 'Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness'?


"Looking to extend your numbers advantage on team Amazon? No dice!" Chris said

"What if Dj chooses to swap teams, like Sierra and Izzy did in Egypt?" Alejandro asked.

"No more swaps and that's final!" Chris said firmly.

"It's ok. The teams are probably gonna merge soon anyway." Dj shrugged.

"Wrong! Convo over! Chris out!" Chris said before leaving.

People like that... they make me want to punch a wall. Or better, a person.

"It's ok. My curse is over now thanks to Irene" Dj smiled, looking at the fish he was holding.

Oh right, I forgot to mention that Dj had kept the fish he made out with in Newfoundland. Well he did, and it's creeping me out.

The loudspeaker crackled to life.

"Attention passengers" Chris said calmly, before panicking 


The plane started shaking.

"Wow, this is happening a lot" I said, closing my laptop and buckling my seatbelt.

Izzy opened the door and grabbed a parachute. Then she and Owen got sucked out of the plane.

Oh well. Better them than me.

The plane crashed on a beach.

"Is it over?" Dj asked, not opening his eyes.

"I think so" Alex said.

We all got out of the plane and stepped onto the beach where Chris and Chef were arguing.

"Two airports on an island the size of a postage stamp, and he misses both of them! But somehow it's my fault!" Chris snapped

"You blew all out money for the season on Chris work" Chef replied.

"Guys! Owen and Izzy need help!" Alex exclaimed, trying to pull them out from under the plane.


Owen: *Covered in bruises* Oh, it's fine! Just a concusionnnnnnn. Can you parents my phone and worry them to to tell Santa? *Smiles and Falls over*

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