Greece's Pieces

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Scarlett's POV 

There was something very strange going on. Tyler was freaked out, and Alex looked a little unsettled as well, but was hiding it a lot better. 

"Is everything alright? You two seem tense" I asked them both.

"Yeah, I'm fine. just didn't get much sleep" Alex said

Tyler looked around nervously "I saw something." he whispered.

"Tyler!" Alex said, looking pissed off.

Duncan woke up "Oh man, that was a deep sleep!" he said "Sleep of the dead! haha, you know what I mean, Tyler and Alex? dead."


Duncan: Tyler saw me and Gwen kissing, and now he's all paranoid, and Gwen told Alex what happened for some reason. But I think they both know better than to squeal! They better know better!

Alex: Well, Gwen and Duncan are doomed. Those Duncney shippers are vicious!

Tyler: *Nervous* I'm bad with secrets!


We went to the dining area and stood around the table. Amazon's on one side, my team on the other.

"Prepare yourself for challenges of an amateur caliber" Chris announced 

A few of us smiled, and Sierra clapped her hands.

"Because we're recreating the first Olympics!" Chris continued.

I raised my brows.


Scarlett: Um, if we were accurately recreating the original Olympics, this wouldn't be a kids show if you know what I'm saying


"And we're heading to the birthplace of the Olympics, in-"

"Greece" I said

"Atlantis?" Sierra guessed

"Mount Olympus?" Owen smiled

"Wrong, fictional, and, what?" Chris asked

"Olympus is where Greek people believe their gods reside, with the exception of Hades, the-" I began to explain .

"No one wants a history lesson Scarlett" Chris scoffed "And anyway, we're going to Rome Italy!".

Eh, I could go for some ravioli.

"Whoohoo! Pizza party!" Owen cheered

"But Scarlett was right, the Olympics were started in Greece. And she was right about Olympus too" Alex said.

"No, the Olympics originated in-" Chris began

"Greece, they're right" Gwen confirmed.

Chris pulled out some papers "INTERNS!" he yelled. Two ran up, one in red, one in blue.

"everyone should probably hold onto something" Chris said, before turning to the one in red "everyone except you." he said, poking the intern in the red shirt with his papers.

We all grabbed onto the table. The plane tilted to the side and the intern fell out.

Chris turned to the other intern "You better find some info on Greece. Quickly." he said. The intern scampered off "Greece it is. Hehe" Chris laughed nervously, walking off "Chef! Change of plans!".

We all got up.

"Prepare yourselves for battle" Sierra said, trying to intimidate us, key word being trying.

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