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Le château de Pierrefonds. The name sounds interesting, right? Well, that's where I'm located. And when I describe myself, I mean that I've been asleep for who knows how long. And by that, well, I'm an immortal being that's been asleep since the fall of my kingdom. I have no idea how I got here. The castle is in the commune of Pierrefonds, nestled in the Oise department of France. It sits on the southeast edge of the forest of Compiegne, northeast of Paris sandwiched between Villers-Cotterets and Compiegne. How do I know all this? The tour guides. They pass through here quite often, blabbing to random elderly people, children paying no attention whatsoever with their eager parents and schools. Gods do I hate the schools. Always trying to mess with things that cannot be touched and getting their stubby little fingers all over everything. Mind you, I understand they're like five or whatever, but it's so irritating. I woke up about three months ago, when the people putting my things on the shelves handled my altarpiece a little too roughly.

It's been slow today. I met another technically immortal. Her name is Louisia, she used to live around here way back in like the 1700's or something. I've never been good with memory. She's quite the interesting friend. Her style and interests are WAY different than mine. While mine is all ancient civilizations and gold, being worshiped, happily living the life, hers is more "Oh look at me I'm so fancy! Oh look! The tiny dog of mine has wandered off ta ta!" She acts like she'd be so annoying if I knew her when she was alive, but now she seems to remember fond memories instead. She literally remembers a past life. Mine will never end however, so I've seen a lot of things. When people say the gods "Die out" I think it means they stay quiet, in the background, and eventually sleep. When no one believes in us, we'll fade away. Not really die, just kind of... leave. Ya know? Like a friendship that slowly ends where you just stop communicating. That's what happened to me. I miss hanging with Zanni, she was the being of Rain.

I also deeply miss my chats with Meyani. She and Zanni would bring the earth to life, man! Zanni would give morning rain to the crops and plants Meyani would grow. It was uplifting when all of us could gather together for the seasonal meetings. But there was one god we all had to be wary of. Mazuka. He was in control of fire... Even the god of passage to the underworld, Sillohn, feared him. Summer would be unbearable most times because of one wrong word from an innocent passerby in our old city, and you could kiss drinks at the pool goodbye. Fires, scorching heat you name it. He'd wreak havoc on our lands. Poor Sillohn had quite the flood of visitors unfortunately. As bad as Sillohn sounds, if you think that, he's actually quite chill. Literally, he feels like ice. Well, enough about that. Here's where the real story begins. 

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