Chapter 29

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I emerge from my room fully dressed the next morning, in my cargo pants and knee-high boots, as well as a blouse-like shirt. Very fitting for the port we have to see today. Matteo saved me a seat at the table that I sink into, and for that, I give him a small smile. "Thanks again for last night. It was a big help. I don't know why I was so exhausted." I say and he grins at me.

"Yeah, I have no idea either. I slept normally but you would have fallen on your wonderfully gorgeous face had I not helped you." he's being cheeky. I roll my eyes and begin to eat what's on my plate. Eggs, and some pancakes with powdered sugar as well as a small plate of fried fish. I'm hungry, and it disappears quickly.

The fish is something magical, it's delicious. How they made it I must know. It's something I'd eat again and again and have no complaints with. Mazuka isn't at the table for some reason. "Good morning. Mazuka had to take an early trip. He'll be back later today. In the meantime, we can go walking along the port and we can bring Brea. I'm sorry for yesterday. It was wrong of me to act that way." Rune steps into the room, hands behind his back. "Oh hey! You seem to be feeling better this morning. That's good!" Matteo chirps and I nod eagerly. Rune nods as well, acknowledging us but he doesn't verbally respond.

We decide it's best to go now, while it's just cool enough and dark enough for Brea. he'll have time to hunt for breakfast, and I can stretch out and maybe practice whatever I need to. I don't know who else knows about me here. Thomas does, but he's considered an outcast. So, he's a safe person to tell it to. I still wonder who he was outcasted by. And whoever it is, curse him. Maybe i'll find him and curse him personally, really get that up close experience. Nice and 3D.

Some things never change, do they? I'm sure I've been here before. I'm sure of it. Matteo and I shut the gates behind us, and tramp down the street. Well, it's not really a street, it's more of a dirt road with stones that can and will destroy your ankles if you step wrong. But it seems to work, for the most part.

The air is salty and fresh, becoming crisp and clear away from all the fishing ports. We're on a boardwalk, the wood groaning and swaying in the water below us.

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