Chapter 11

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Mazuka and I decide to take the rooms across from one another, while Matteo takes the one in the middle. I want the one farthest from him, as I still do not trust him. Mazuka is cunning, someone who could turn on you in the blink of an eye. Matteo is still confused by everything, and I've explained it three times to him since we got here. Dinner is quite bland, just some soup and a roll.

"So, how do we make a plan to find Victorie?" It had slipped my mind until Matteo brought it up.

"Well, right now I need your help overthrowing the king of these lands, and I'll not let you go until it is done. I have some debts to pay and scores to settle," Mazuka looks down in disinterest "And I would appreciate a team."

"I must say, it's good to be back with you. I missed it." I reply and Mazuka's eyes light up as he smiles.

"You've always been one to stick with the power, eh?" he says before standing up from the table. I nod and he reaches around Matteo to ruffle my hair.

"Hey, Mazuka!" I duck out of his grasp and swat his hand away. He smiles again and Matteo twists around to see what's happening. "Kinda odd huh? I never expected to be here with you and your friend, as you're looking for your other friend, what's their name?" Mazuka asks as he busies himself with the dishes.

"Victorie, they've been missing for a few days. Matteo and I have been looking for them." I say and stretch out on the floor for no apparent reason other than I can.

Everything is going smoothly so far, which I'm thankful for. The bedrooms are furnished nicely each of them having a simple full-sized bed, a dresser, and a bathroom. The bed is comfortable enough, and the sheets are soft and inviting, although it may just be because I'm tired. The stars dot the sky like tiny fireflies, and the wind rustles the curtain softly.

"Hey, Nesra, are you still awake?" Matteo pokes his head around the corner. I sit up and stare at him. "Yeah," I yawn "I was about to fall asleep too though so what's the matter?"

"Mazuka's gone. He just vanished! I was sitting by the table, and poof! The plate dropped and he was gone!" Matteo explains rapidly as we make our way to the kitchen. I have my sword in hand, concerned about our safety. The plate sits on the floor, broken. The air around us stirs as if warning us there's something there in front of us. My sword pokes just in front, and I extend my arm further. "Ow! Not cool!" Mazuka materializes in front of us once again, holding a large box and a note.

"Where did you go? Matteo came into my room and was all concerned," I explain "although I figured it was nothing too bad."

"I went on an errand, sorry about dropping the plate, by the way, everything was last minute." He sets everything down on the oak table, tearing open the box and removing several wrapped contents.

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