Chapter 3

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  Aunt Merra sat at the head, dressed in a more casual outfit. "Guests to my right, sit, Nesra." I see her wave me over. I cannot be rude. Victorie sits across from me, to their aunts left. "Victories parents and siblings will be back in a few months. They are away for a trip. Vic is the middle child. It's unfair as I've said to my brother, he refuses to bring them along, instead taking everyone else including his wife." I shake my head. Unfair is right. No one in my family left anyone out. Ever.

We all went wherever one did, I'm going to say to be nice, but also as a way of protection. Louise comes out with a smile, and serves us dinner consisting of lamb chops, potatoes, and roasted vegetables. Silence ensues, cloaking the room like a blanket, the occasional scrape of a fork every now and then. I sigh, my voice coming out oddly deeper than intended. "Victorie, thank you for inviting me, and Aunt Merra, thank you for having me." I murmur and I can see the two smile at one another. Merra reaches out and brushes a curl of my hair away from my face. "When did your hair become so dark, dear?" she asks me softly. "Oh! It gets that way if I'm not outside a lot or it's not near the sun." I explain. It wasn't a lie but also not the entire truth. Once dinner is over, and we gain permission to take our ice cream upstairs, we head for the hills. It's silent again.

All I had done was scribbled on my paper. A new diary entry, or something relating to art, has been swimming in my mind for hours now. It came out alright, at least I think. The evening turns to late night, a breeze blowing. My room sits on the edge of the manor. At least I think this is what this place is. My mind wanders back to what I was doing earlier. Knocking. Tap Tap Tap... 'what the...' I think and I whip around to where I heard the deafened noise. Silence rings clearly around the echoing room for once. Nothing. It starts again. Tap Tap Tap... I growl in annoyance and turn to where it is now. I hear it in the bathroom now. It grows louder, echoing through the room, through my mind. It dies out, and I relax. Tap Tap Tap... "GODS THERE IT IS AGAIN!" I'm ripped from my thoughts as Victorie yells from the room next to mine. So I'm not the only one who hears this.. Interesting. I crack the door, peering into the hall. It's kind of creepy. A darkened hallway in New York, candles in sconces line the walls. None are lit thankfully.

I go back to my room, and try to keep the strands of hair on my scalp. Tuning it out, it leaves. I'd relax. I'm on the third hour of hearing this. I cannot rest my mind now. I must find whatever it is. I snuff my light, the darkness swarming me. I breathe deeply, waiting for it to start again. Stop... Stop... Stop! I cannot do this. I feel my world tilt as I throw the covers to the ground, fisting my hair and pulling. I hope I can regrow whatever is ripped from my head as I throw open my door and storm to Victorie's room. They answer, looking just as irritated as I am and we shake our heads. A flash of light. I shut my eyes. I'm convinced someone out there hates me as I hear the rain pour. Morning comes, foggy and cold. The toast on my plate sits, still steaming slightly from the toaster. Aunt Merra hasn't woken yet. It's just me and the rain tapping like an irritated student at her window in the kitchen. My eyes need rest as does the rest of me and if I don't get it, I fear I may collapse. It's too late to go back upstairs as the floorboards creak, yet too early. The sun has not yet risen. It may have for I do not know as the clouds swarm the sky like a swarm of angry bees. Thick and daunting. I do not know when Victorie will get up, but I do know they'll be down soon enough, if they haven't decided to sleep in. I want to look around, although I know it is not my place to do so...

"Would you like something else to eat?" I jump. Aunt Merra stands in the doorway, grinning cheekily at me. I continue on hurriedly. "It gives me quite the scare when someone does that, Merra" I quip gently before heading to put my plate in the sink. She continues bustling around the kitchenet, plates going in cupboards and spoons and utensils in drawers. I begin to relax again, settling down to help her prepare for the day. The two of us began by setting the breakfast table, quickly moving towards washing whatever else needs to be washed, and folding dish towels. She thanks me before sending me to wake her family. I peer in Victories room, they're still asleep, bundled in the covers. They stir as I move as quietly as I could across the flooring. Even with their blond hair in a mess, and arms thrown wildly I still think they are quite beautiful. 

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