Chapter 21

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Matteo's started up again. "Why do we have to do this? I mean I get that we have to leave the town but why this way? Can't we take a ship or something?" My grip on the cart tightens. Gods, no wonder Victorie went missing. I can't tolerate this too much longer. "Please, just bear with us here. We're doing our best in finding your friend." Mazuka's got that hard edge to him, the one I remember from the days when we'd train together. Eyes set straight and prowling for weakness. How much longer until I get out and walk the rest of the way, I cannot tell you.

By noon the sun is blazing our skin, and the cart provides no better shade than the shrubs that line the trail. I'm not in the mood for playing Little House on the Prairie. It's supposed to be a good read, Matteo explained it to me when I asked why he felt he was in it. Brea is doing his best to tuck himself away in the darkness that's offered by our baggage. I don't blame him at all, I wish I could. My powers are untested, and unpredictable after not using them for many centuries. I'd rather not risk my and my crew's safety for the comfort of the shade, especially when one of us can't shapeshift at all. One of us is in the sun, we're all in the sun. It's an advantage to be divine, I know that better than anyone, but it's dangerous. Risk flies high. Power is a game, one that risks everything and keeps you teetering on the brink of life and death. One that man should know how to tame, and man should know how to release it when it's needed of course.

I've seen many fall because of that game, and I will not let that consume me, control me. When one falls, others will replace them, stronger, faster. More calculated. Knowing, learning every step of the way. It's important to learn, to keep the mind running and intrigued. So, when we stop by a small river, I use it to my advantage. Our wagon rolls to a stop, wheels groaning at the downhill charge we put on them. My shoes come off, the mud cooling the blistering heat. Small ripples appear, fins darting through them. A good place to rest, catch a fish and get some proper nutrients. Matteo perches, refusing to set foot on the ground. How he'll go to hell and back for his friend but won't let the earth bless his soul baffles me again and makes me laugh. 'City boy' I smirk to myself and wade partially into the river, my legs thanking me.

Mazuka joins me after securing the wagon, and we stay a moment, cooling off and trying to relax. Echo is propped up beside me on a tree stump, glimmering in the light. Matteo is still cautious about the water. "Don't drink it. Drink from your canteen if you're thirsty." Mazuka waves his hand to brush away a strand of hair. Matteo had reached down finally, letting his legs dangle above the mud. It's his choice though, but he better hurry because I don't know how long it'll be until we reach another cool spot.

The plains stretch endlessly, and winding through the sky's birds fly, hunting. Traveling. Waiting. Our throats crave the drops of water, but we have to conserve it until we make camp again by another river. Smoke rises in the distance, and I can smell food. It smells like meat. It's making my mouth water and my stomach growl. It's enough to make Mazuka pull up and approach the man who's come to greet us. I peer around the corner, while Matteo sits next to me. "Who is this? What are you doing here?" The man asks. His voice is cautious, I don't blame him, and Mazuka's voice softens as well. "I'm here with two kids. We need shelter and protection." The footsteps fade out, Mazuka must have followed him. Crap crap crap. We're in the middle of nowhere and our parental figure just left us here. 

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