Chapter 26

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In the middle of dinner is when I hear a cry from the window. The sun had set hours ago. "Hey what was that?" Rune asks. I excuse myself quietly and go into the entry hall. Brea is perched, waiting for me. He carries something in his beak and then proceeds to drop it in front of me. "Gross man. That's just wrong." I murmur. He jumps onto my shoulder, and we make our way back inside. "Why would you bring a bird in here?" Rune demands as soon as I step back into the room. "He's a messenger bird and my companion. Relax." I say, but that only enrages him further.

He pushes himself to his feet. "I will not relax, not when that killer is in here! Do you even know what he is? He's a killer. A ruthless terrorist to our lands!" he's shouting now. I'm not fazed by it, I've grown accustomed to Matteo's mini-fits. He slams his hand down, the one that holds his knife. "Rune! Sit DOWN." Lord Byrick places his fists on the table, staring the boy down. Mazuka looks disgusted by the behavior exhibited.

His face is all red, and he looks mad beyond belief. His eyes are shining with rage. "He's all upset because Nesra has a friend, and he doesn't!" That sends him over the edge. "Shut up. Shut up, SHUT UP! Please just, please. stop. My mind is running in circles. Like a jigsaw puzzle and I can't put it back together." He sighs and puts his head in his hands. That's deep, and it's something I can attest to. It's happened to me before. He starts shaking all over, trembling like a leaf.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, hey it's okay. You're okay. You're gonna be alright Rune." He takes a gasping breath, forcing his lungs to max capacity before he breaks.

And it's like a dam that's opened. The flood starts, small tears at first that grow and grow into a chorus, an orchestra of gasps and sobs. His eyes are wide, red, and flaring. He reaches a hand out, grasping nothing for a solid three seconds before he slams his head into the table. "I- am- so- stupid! I, I can't do it..." I take him by the arm. And the shoulder, to steady him and keep him from doing it again.

We make it as far as the door. He throws himself at the tea tray, and scalding hot tea, plates, saucers, and a bunch of small knives for the crackers and cheese go flying in every direction. "Mazuka! I'm gonna take him to a different room. Less overwhelming. It's too loud in here." He nods and begins to take on the duty of janitor as we exit. "Okay, here we go. It's gonna calm down, Rune. It's okay." I shut the door behind us and he sinks to the ground.

"Overwhelming. Too much. I can't..."

"Breathe man. You're safe. You're alright."

"No, no I'm not. Good try though." he laughs humorlessly.

"Yes, you are. You're safe here."

"No, no I'm not! He's threatening me! He's gonna hurt me!"

He's insane! He's the one Mazuka has beef with! You don't understand! Well, maybe you do. But still. You saw the way he acted!"

I have to back up as Rune goes full Joker on me. He's practically in hysterics. He grabs ahold of my dress, and I feel how uncomfortably ITCHY it is. Lord help this man, Rune is going to ruin him. 

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