Chapter 16

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By the time the next day rolls around, I'm in the kitchen making breakfast. These things are my specialty most times, but with limited supplies, it's virtually impossible to make anything. I could go out and get some, but I feel like being a bit dramatic this morning. "Good morning, how are you? I'm finally done with the formalities of sleep." Mazuka seems tired, but I can tell he probably isn't a morning person either so there really isn't anything too concerning about his appearance. "I'm okay, I was feeling off last night, but I'm not surprised by it now. That Nolan guy shook me the wrong way." I move to the other side of the table and place a bowl of fruit in front of the other god.

My original plans seem to have been botched because as soon as Matteo came into the room, he demanded food. I shut my eyes and count to ten before I punch him or bounce his face like a volleyball off of the table, and then reopen them. "We have literally nothing except fruit in here right now. The welcome bounty from a few days ago is gone now," Matteo opens his mouth in protest. "So, I'll go to the market later with one of you, or the three of us will and we'll get something to eat." that seems to stop him before he sits down rather harshly. He's getting on my nerves a bit, and at this point, I want to go home, wherever that is. A cart's wheels stop in front of the building we're in, and I hear soft footsteps approach. "Let me handle this. Thank you." Mazuka pulls himself into a standing position and walks towards the door. "Shhh, go to the other room. Now." I shove Matteo out of the way, and we dart into the living room.

I hear Mazuka unlock the door, the hinges creaking suspiciously as the door opens to reveal someone. "This is your warning, being delivered to you from the benefactor of Ramos. You, Nesra and the mortal boy seemed to have stirred trouble up by the Elmfaye last night and are kindly being asked to vacate your premises by tonight, or you shall be chased out by, err, pitchforks. Yes, pitchfor-" The shrill voice is cut off swiftly as Mazuka slams and locks the door in their face, footsteps turned to the two of us with an annoyed tapping.

"Who the heck is this benefactor? I've literally never heard of them. Like ever."

"Nor have I, even though I haven't been 'asleep' for a long time."

"Should we go out and ask who it is?"

We stare at one another before staring at Matteo like he's predicted the end of the world.

"No. Absolutely not. I am not going to risk your safety against the people here just to know someone's identity. It's ridiculous."

"Fine. be that way then."

Matteo huffs and briskly steps out.

"What the heck is his problem?" I hear Matteo grumbling in the next room.

"Dude, don't disrespect your elders!" I shout and he groans in annoyance before we hear a thump. He's been acting oddly for a while, but losing your friend is going to take a toll on someone. I think he kicked the wall. He's been a total pain lately and I lost Victorie too. Just because he's known them longer doesn't make him special. He's acting like a pick me. But I don't really care. I know I'm being rude, but at this point I just need to get this over with so I can go home. "He's being rude. I can't see why." I sulk and Mazuka looks over at me when I grunt and sit next to him, laying my head on the table.

He lays a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "I know, I knew something was off with how loud he reacted to the bikers and Nolan last night. He's got a lot to sort out mentally, I'm sure. I just think he doesn't want to admit it. Like at all. C'mon, we should go get something to eat. Yes, we'll get something for mister huffy." He stretches and sighs, grabbing my hand.

The market square is filled with fruit stands, people selling only the gods know what to you, and animals. Lots of them, being offered at ridiculously low prices to kids who can't even be gentle with a blade of grass. It's kind of frightening to see all these animals in the sweltering crowd. Birds cry in cages being hustled down the dusty road, the people pushing the carts chattering uselessly. I keep tight to Mazuka, the two of us winding through the bantering and bustling throng of people.

By the time we've gathered everything, my pants are dusty and sandy, but I've acquired a neat hat and we have enough supplies to sustain us wherever we go for a good long while. I'm tapped on the shoulder as we're making our way towards the way we came. "Excuse me, ma'am? Would you like a companion on your journey? There are many options here for your taste." Another woman leads us down a small back path to an open door where rows upon rows of cages are filled with screaming birds, in every color and size imaginable. "Wow... I'd love to, but I don't think I'll be able to afford one, they're gorgeous though." I glance up to the larger birds, some stretching their wings and some sleeping. A few catch my eye however, but Mazuka's arm steers me opposite of going deeper into the building. "Hey! That's not fair, I was just looking!" At the commotion, a shadow hops from perch to perch, teetering its way towards us.

The woman smiles, and Mazuka tries to protect me from it. The shadow hops onto a perch under one of the swinging lights. The bird tips its head curiously at us, and when the other god swats at it, it hops again, onto the woman's shoulder this time and cries out. The woman grabs the bird off her shoulder, and it wobbles down to us. 

ReminiscenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon