Chapter 1

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 I stretched, feeling whatever matter I'm made of shift, and began walking down the hall to where the staff kitchens are. I'm hungry and dinner last night was not at all filling. I can only be seen by a high priest or priestess and anyone else who lives solely to worship us. I know it sounds selfish, but hey that's what the point of our city was. Hmmm. The fridge is nearly empty again, but a nice ham sandwich will do. They really need to start cooking more exciting things. Louisia floats around the corner, and smiles at me. "Do you think we could scare Emma again? That was funny." I laugh with her, just for the hell of it. Louisia was only like what, 15, when she caught something and died? Again, I'm never good with remembering. I shut the fridge and open the microwave to heat up my lunch. "Yeah probably, if she isn't busy touring." I say and I see the young spirit smile from beside me. A strange tug in my gut makes me nauseous for some reason, but it's not the sandwich.

I pick up my pace. I know it's happening. Finally, someone respects me, and is here to worship me. But when I turn the corner to enter the room my altar is in, I only find a school. I'm a little let down, but not surprised. This time, It's not five year olds. It's a group of teenagers. A boy around 15 or so has decided to light the incense in my holder. Several other students have gathered, and they're.. Wait. Are they mocking me? "Ooo unga bunga don't attack me oooh!" One of them says and the rest laugh. I narrow my eyes. A girl with curly hair in two perfect buns smacks him, and I feel a little better. She has on pretty makeup. I already like her. She swears at him. "Idiot... Tu n'es pas drôle." she says. I have to feel like a proud parent. I hear the boy say something back, and the teacher smacks him.

"Enough, arrêter Damien." That boy...

After the rest of the class leaves, she gains permission from the guide to stay and apologize. "Je m'excuse. il est clairement malade, s'il vous plaît pardonnez pour ses actions en mon nom." and for anyone who can't understand, she's just asking me to forgive and accept the apology for his unwell actions on her behalf. " I'm truly sorry, Nesra." She finishes with that and leaves the room. I shut my eyes and bless the boy with good knowledge and respectfulness, and I hope he listens. Over the course of the next few days, she comes back. Sometimes she brings me crystals, other times it's good food. On a Friday evening, she comes again. Something feels off this time. "Ahhh... Nesra, my family is leaving France to go back to New York in the United States." I had been munching on an orange she brought when I paused. "Why can't you just bring my incense lamp? I'd be happy to go with you." I say and her head shoots up. I look at her and sit on the floor. Her eyes trace me with my movements. "Umm... Hi?" I say. She immediately bows. "Nesra, forgive me for my ungrateful actions." she murmurs.

"It's okay," I say and move her chin to look at me and her eyes widen

"You're not in trouble." I see her smile. I look down at myself, a robe covers me, made of a fine satin material. My crown sits proudly on my brow.

It's dark outside, wind whips at the windows. It's past closing time, but I make sure the security is here so they can let us out. " My name is Victorie. I'm only here on a school visit but I never want to leave." They explain to me as we walk towards the exit.

I've had to change into clothes from the tiny shop in the castle's museum we're in. A pair of combat boots, dark pants and a washed-out red jacket with a wolf on it is my go-to. My crown still sits atop my brow, nestled in my short Summer Berry colored curls. Well, seeing as I am immortal, my looks vary. The ends of my hair change from butternut blonde to light auburn. It's currently neither, it's just my Summer Berry reddish brown hair.

We walk along the beaten path in the wind, my lips already feeling numb from the cold. Victorie wraps their jacket tighter around them and I cast a warmth around us so we don't freeze. I may be the being of loyalty, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Like, even though Mazuka was destructive, he'd bring heat to those in need during the colder, harsher months. Victorie is your typical platinum person, but they've got a few neat things. They've got pretty eyes too. Two blue peepers. The two of us round the corner, the streetlamps reflecting on the slick ground, wet from a late evening downpour. The sky is cloudy of course, I can see my breath as we walk. It's getting to the point where it feels like the walk is never gonna end. "Are we almost there, Victorie?" I ask. They sigh. Most likely in annoyance. "No, Nesra, not yet." I shake my head and keep walking. 

 They returned me to my altar last night, I'm awaiting return. It's ten in the morning, the museum opened an hour and a half ago. Did they forget?

"Je suis ici! Laisse-moi t'aider, Nesra! I'm here!" They begin to undo the ribbon holding my offering kettle to the altar itself, and I almost squeal as it goes into the backpack they have. I hear footsteps, and hurry them along as best as I can. "HURRY!" I almost scream. I dip behind a nearby display case as two other people come into the room. "Bonjour, Victorie!" one of them says and I nearly rip my hair out.

I hear them reply graciously, and the footsteps leave the room. They hurry back to my altar and begin shoving me in it. And by that, I mean a tiny statue of me. "I have your things ready, Nesra!" I immediately run over to them and start using my magic to shrink and transfigure. A lion, now the size of a nickel. A plate, turned to a hand mirror. Books stay the same, the covers switched to look like common literature. A scarf, turned to a fine leather-bound notebook. Some of my favorite things, transfigured into normal matter. Mortal matter. Simple, with basic designs. Something anyone could do. 

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