Chapter 10

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He looks at us skeptically, glancing between us like a tennis match. The ground beneath our feet rumbles. His face pales suddenly as he turns to the woman and points behind her. "Mazuka! Tally, Mazuka!" I raise my gaze to where he points in fear. A plume of ash rises into the night sky, flames erupting from the colosseum that stood there. Mazuka... Mazuka brought heat to the lands. Was he here? Is he here? And if so, what have these people done to deserve this. I take a step down the stone walkway and begin to move towards the burn sight. Matteo's footsteps fall in time with mine, it's time to work some magic. My breath shakes in concentration, I feel the earth beneath my feet begin to grow warm. A stray ember burns my cheek, and I start tensing up, preparing. If he was here, what deal did he strike? I need to know. I rip my sword from its sheath upon my back and that's when it truly happens.

A glow appears and I feel myself shut my eyes. "Nesra, your outfit is fitting for such a young immortal," I opened my eyes "We welcome you back young warrior." Matteo still stands next to me. We're in the middle of the colosseum now. Mazuka stands there, a sly smile on his face. "What happened! Why are you doing this?" I ask, and inhale sharply. He looks down at us. He seems intrigued in the armor I'm in. "Why not? After all, what's life without being put through a tussle every now and again? And, these people need to learn. They've made a fatal error in their judgment. Before you ask," he holds up his hand "I am the only one here as of now. There shall be more if you choose to wait although we may be in a bit of a pickle. Their king, king whatever his name is, is trying to tyranate these people." I stare. He waves his hand, and the walls crumble around us, revealing bare ground, burned black by his own work. He shakes his head and sighs. "The king asked for you, didn't he?" I figure. Mazuka nods in disappointment. "How fitting, a weasel of a man who's power hungry summons Mazuka." He rolls his eyes at the last comment. I never took in his appearance until now. He pushes himself off the stage and hops down, his worn boots taking him down. He keeps his hair pushed back with a hair tie, and his ash band wraps around his forehead easily. Matteo hops down after him. "What the hell are you wearing?" Mazuka gestures to his appearance and I try not to laugh. "It's clothing, my guy," he begins to announce "CL-O-THING. CLOTHING." Matteo and I follow him out of the rubble, and we look at one another. "The castle is that way, and I understand you'll be looking for a friend, yes?" he points to the distance, "I must go with you. It is far away, but I know where to get transport."

All of us know we need to find a place to rest for the night. But the question is where, exactly, shall it be? The library seemed sturdy enough from what I could tell, but what we need is a place with proper housing. Rooms and a kitchen, or at least a place that has food ready. Matteo and I spot horses, and begin to advance towards them when Mazuka grabs us and throws us into a chariot. "Your steed awaits!" he cries and we go thundering down the bumpy dirt road towards the town of Westrey. It's one of the larger towns, if I remember correctly, surrounded by hills and plains filled with tall grasses and wild animals. Matteo nearly slips off the back with Mazuka's nutsy driving. The chariot slows at the gates, massive iron ones that swing open on hinges that sound perfect. We turn into the square, and truly take in all the sights. Stone buildings with wooden doors and bronze furnishings take over the larger parts, whereas fruit stands and horse drawn carts pull loads of cargo too and from the largest of them. Large burning torches light the crowd in a warm and welcoming way. This is not the fear I sensed in that man only an hour beforehand. This place is bustling with people, and we're some of them.

Everyone here seems welcoming enough, although Matteo and I are still wary of them. Mazuka stops in front of a large building, one on a smaller street this time unlike the square. It's peaceful, and on the inside a fire is already lit, warming up the interior. A long oak table sits to the right of the entry, surrounded by neatly crafted stools. The kitchen is quite bare, the only things in it being a countertop, a good sized sink and some shelving. Not much but enough to get by for now. 

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