Chapter 20

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The night passes swiftly, stars beaming. Everything is oh so wrong. But maybe not. I have Matteo, I have Mazuka, and I'm going to get Victorie back. I will. "We have to stop. It's too dark, too dangerous to go on. We'll make camp." Mazuka hops off the carriage, slowing down the transport by quite a bit. The plains howl and rustle with a cry unknown to many. But I know some call it home. A fire requires wood, and some form of a starter, yes? Guess who has to go get it. I do. Just great! "Sorry. I need to be able to watch Matteo. You and Brea can go gather stuff you're smart." Mazuka lounges on the ground, staring up at the stars.

I grumble and wander off. The ground is rough, unworn yet by the footsteps of many lives. Something scurries beside us, and Brea takes off to catch what I presume is a mouse. I'm equipped with a hatchet to chop, although I could just rip it apart if I wanted to. The night is still, no air blows through to ruffle my hair. Something else trots through the brush beside me, stilling me. A whine, then a crunch of a branch. Crap. Well, I can defend myself well enough. Mazuka would regret sending me to chop wood.

By the time I get back, Matteo rushes over to take what I have. "Let me. You sit down and rest a bit. Seems like a long walk." He hurries along, arranging everything neatly. A match is struck, lighting up the world around us if only for a moment. Everyone settles down afterward, taking the time to warm themselves with the wood that I chopped. Brea comes back, content with his meal of whatever he could catch. Probably feels good to chase something after being kept where he was. I know I'd feel the same way, and I do. It's nice to see the world again. Dark or not, I can explore again, and feel the world around me react to my insight.

By the time the sun rises, sending the stars receding again to the places they reside for now, I'm up. I've changed into more comfortable clothing, better suited for travel. It's a relief. Brea's off again, catching his morning meal in the skies. He's a good bird, I'm glad I got him even if Mazuka's not entirely thrilled with feathers everywhere. Too bad. The cart we took was and is stocked with what we brought, and what already came in it. Blankets, Water, and food. Lots and lots of food. Also money, but that's not as important right now. Small containers can store a lot if you're smart.

The three of us perch on rocks for breakfast, and I feel like I'm in an old western film. It's all dusty out and my hat that I gathered when I got Brea does its best to block out the light and keep my face cool. 

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