Chapter 2

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 There's something scary about travel, my people were quite interested in it, however. It took us about a six hour wait at the airport; TSA searched Victorie for about fifteen minutes before letting them go. I managed to get myself a plane ticket somehow, with a method I rarely enjoy using. I had to shapeshift. Into an animal that I hate. Take a guess as to what it is. Yup. a cat, and Victorie's allergic. I felt so bad. It was an unpleasant ride to put it lightly. I know I can be sarcastic, but good gods did that ride make my stomach churn. Zanni could probably tolerate it though, she's good with that kind of flight. It scared me the first time, I remember when one of the people in the city in the kingdom made a boat. Yes, a boat. And I HATED the thought of it. For one, no one realized we may have been extremely advanced, but it was in everything but travel and transportation for people in that moment in time. But of course, the king allowed it, and so did my high priestess. She thought it was such a great idea...

We never knew until that moment we needed someone looking after us at sea. I feel nausea creep up my stomach and into my throat and try to look out the window. "Almost there, Nesra. Almost there." They pet me, and I want to hiss in annoyance. Eight hours later, we reached New York.

"Victorie! There you are my dearest!" A woman in a fur coat and a red fedora greets us at the gate. "Hi, aunt Merra..." she trails off and that's when "Aunt Merra'' notices me. "Who's this my dear? A friend? More than a friend?" She smiles at the two of us. I've never seen Victorie so embarrassed. "No no! We met at the museum! This is Nesara. Nesra, my aunt Merra." I stare at them, and they give me the "I'll explain later" look.

"Ah! Well, in that case, join us! We can set up your room with Victorie, I'm sure they won't mind!" She turns, and with a small smile leads us back to the car. A nice expensive Ferrari waits for us, engine idling. Victorie and I pile into the back seat, with Merra being the one driving. Through the main city, up a ways, a large housing area begins. Apartments, mansions, and townhouses lay with windows polished, gleaming in the late afternoon sun.

We pull up near a red building, probably an apartment if not a really skinny mansion. "Alright everyone! Louise will carry the luggage, don't worry about it." She laughs and saunters up the walk, and a short friend shaped man with dark hair rushes past to carry our things inside. "Oh... Okay then!" I say and follow the three of them into the large entry hall. Polished and waxed, the tile flooring glimmers, leading a trail of light towards the other room. "Follow me darlings. Follow me." Louise murmurs and leads us up a spiral staircase. Second floor. Wood in each room, a small rug on the floor for decoration and usage. The master contains a king, a gorgeous walk-in closet and a full bathroom. Directly opposite of the master laid the sunroom suite. That was where the maids' quarters used to be, now an office area. The continuing staircase, then another room, this time the actual maids' quarters now.

It was a small room, nothing special. A full bed, an average closet and a small one sink bathroom. Victories room was on the third floor, as well as the second master bedroom and the guest rooms. Their room had a queen bed, another walk-in closet and a double vanity bathroom. Right next to theirs, was mine. "Wow... It's really really nice!" I peered around the room; it looked like a fairytale come true. Wood floors, another Queen bed, a stunning walk-in closet... And a view of the garden! Yes, a garden. All of the rooms had huge windows to let in tons of natural light.

"Madam thought you'd like this room. Well, I'll let you settle in! Dinner will be in a few hours!" Louise called and shut the door softly. I sat on the bed, the sheets soft beneath my fingers. I laid back, but only for a moment. Something felt eerie.

Thunk thunk. Aha! It did it again. Thunk thunk. It sounded off in this supposedly sturdy place. "Nesra! Dinner!" Victorie burst into the room.

"Oh, okay! Hey before we go, did you realize something was off about this room?" I ask and they nod. They explain that it was because of renovation. The room had apparently been much smaller than it is now.

"I don't believe that though, but I'll ask Aunt Merra if I can see the building plans. Then maybe we can confirm." They nod to me and we both head downstairs. One floor, two floors... To the right, down a back staircase that led seemingly to nowhere. We entered into a grand room, a long oak dining table occupying most of it, dressed in an exquisite tablecloth and set with finely crafted dinnerware. Plates made out of stunning bone China shine in the light. 

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