Chapter 27

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There's no helping this lord. I've determined about eighteen different ways so far that his life would end. Mazuka is waiting to tear his throat out, and Rune wants to straight up assassinate him. I would, too, but I have a creed of morals. I don't think these two do, and maybe I'm glad they don't. Scratch that. I'm definitely glad they don't. Rune is still shaking, but he's calmed down. For the most part, I hope. He's curled up in a ball in the corner.

I sigh heavily. Mazuka is right. "Give him some time to acclimate. And certainly, to calm down. He needs support, even if you are already there. It's something mental. A psychotic break it seems." I nod and look back in the room. He's death glaring at the wall, almost willing the atoms to start shedding tears. I'd be very frightened if I were that wall. But I am not that wall, I am me. Nesra. And my job is to keep things in order for my allies, my friends, and my family. And Matteo and Mazuka hit all three categories. I don't know where to put Rune, but for now, it is up to him. We really need more women on this team now that I think about it.

Mazuka begins to pace outside the room. Back and forth, back and forth. Just keeps going. Matteo and I track him like we're watching a tennis match. And it's more interesting than one I do have to admit. Matteo shrugs after a few more minutes of this, and I shrug back. I'm pretty relaxed for someone who's just had to deal with another person who's trashed a tea cart. When he finally stops, Matteo voices what's been going on in my mind. "Hey why is it like three guys and one girl? We need more women on this team." Mazuka's eye twitches.

"We have another female on this team. Victorie."

"But they're not a woman..."

"He means biologically, Matteo."


I mean Matteo isn't wrong. Truthfully, they aren't a woman. They're them, but if you look at biologically, yes Victorie is a woman. If they say they aren't, they aren't. Simple as that. It's not that hard to respect what they feel is right for them. I'll tell you, dear reader, the truth. I do feel the same way about myself. If I'm not something, I don't have to say I am. Easy. Enough of my ramblings, and back to the main task at hand. Finding Victorie.

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