02 ; i am on my last straw

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Renjun huffed as he stared at the back of Donghyuck's head. He had his backpack resting on the seat next to him, the other seats at the table taken by other Dreamies.

"Hey, Renjun. Can you move your–"

"The bag is staying." Renjun shot his worst glare at Donghyuck.

The younger sighed. "It's the April Fools' Day recovery. Believe me, you'll be back in love with me tomorrow, mark by words."

"What?" Renjun's eyebrows furrowed. "No, wait, why the hell would I be in love with you?"

"A guy can dream," Donghyuck sighed in response, moving Renjun's backpack onto his lap. He could see the older scowl, but at least his still had the bag. He was close, too, meaning that he could lean over to Renjun.

"You could replace this bag's spot on my lap, just so you know," he snickered. Renjun's eyes widened, and he slapped Donghyuck on the arm.

"Shut up."

"I'll only do that once we go to the library." Donghyuck leaned back now, looking around the table. "We're still on for that, right?"


Donghyuck smiled. Even though he knew that Renjun could be pissed at him, the one thing that they would at least still have would be their library dates. Well, he called them dates. Renjun called them study sessions. They were virtually the same thing.


Donghyuck groaned. "Must there be a "but"?"

"But," Renjun repeated, eyes narrowing at the younger, "you're on your last straw. So be civil and do not sprinkle pencil shavings over my notes every five minutes?"

Chewing on his lip, Donghyuck tried to think of a witty response. His entire brand was poking at Renjun, so he had to hold up to it. The rest of the Dreamies had even stopped talking to each other for this. "What about every six?"

"Lee Donghyuck!"

Ah, there it was. The raged reaction. This time, when it happened, Donghyuck wasn't able to stop himself from muttering a small out "you're so cute when you're mad".

It wasn't like it was the first.

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