11 ; i am curling up into a silly little ball

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Renjun tried to not make it obvious when his eyes widened, but holy shit. Donghyuck looked straight-out-of-this-world. The simple jeans paired with the crop top (he must've known that Renjun was staring at his stomach), not to mention– oh, shit, did he paint his moles pink? How did he–

Gulping, Renjun wiped a small bit of drool from the corner of his mouth. "Wow, uh... you're overdressed."

"It's Wednesday. It's like a flashing neon sign to be extra." Donghyuck dreamily clutched his hands together by his head. "A pink sign."

"I see that." Renjun cleared his throat. God, he needed to pull himself together. "So, um, the thin with your moles is... cool."

Donghyuck chuckles. "I'm surprised you're paying that much attention to detail."

Was that seriously not noticeable? Well, Renjun just outed himself as a starer. Too late to change that. He looked down at his feet awkwardly, trying his hardest to ignore the small bit of Donghyuck's stomach that he could see from underneath the crop top. He could've chosen any other day to dress like this, but...

"So, where are we sitting?"

"Right." Renjun cleared his throat. He usually wasn't this bad when he found someone attracti– did he find Donghyuck attractive? He had a good looking friend group and all, but he didn't get flustered around hot people.

Unless it was more than just that. Unless it involved feelings too.

Renjun promptly turned red, turning around so that (a) he could lead Donghyuck to a table, and (b) the younger wouldn't see that he was heating up.

Instead of sitting beside him, which would mean proximity, Donghyuck opted for the seat across from Renjun. The latter thought that this would make things easier, but that was proved wrong when Donghyuck asked about one of the page numbers and he looked up.

Ethereal. Renjun would go as far as to use that word.

Hopefully, he wouldn't need to look up often. Donghyuck didn't look like he was intending on sneaking pencil and eraser shavings onto Renjun's keyboard, which would be difficult because of the angle in the first place.

Instead, something worse happened. Renjun felt a tug at his foot, and then it was being lifted up off the ground by another. He glanced up at Donghyuck, who acted as though he hadn't just been caught in the act.

Donghyuck was not trying to play footsies with Renjun right now.

Renjun widened his eyes at the younger, but Donghyuck wasn't even looking up from his schoolwork. On the other end of things, Renjun could feel Donghyuck's foot trailing up his leg, nudging the inside of his thigh.

Too close.

Renjun shot up from his chair, causing it to skid across the floor and garner the attention of a few library patrons around them. Can't libraries be required by law to have carpets? "I need to use the bathroom."

"Okay..." Donghyuck repleid, voice trailing off at the end to show that he was feigning confusion. Fuck you, Donghyuck!

Renjun tried to do his best job of not looking like he was speedwalking, but the moment he was out of sight and in a corner of the library, he curled up into a ball and tried to figure out how to calm down.

"Renjun, that's your friend." He placed a hand over his heart. If Donghyuck was really just a friend, Renjun would just squint at him, confused, and they'd have a laugh over it. Having a laugh and running away were two very different things!

"Renjun," he repeated, not sure who he was trying to convince, "that's your friend."

Oh, who was he fucking fooling? "Renjun, that's your crush."


i wasn't actually planning to put in any renjun focuses but i can still gaslight hyuck even with them so

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