17 ; i am confessing

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Renjun woke up at the ripe time of 4:00am. He'd been struggling with sleeping the entire night, his mind too busy with thoughts to calm down.

That kiss. Well, that almost-kiss. He had initially been looking forward to the time with Donghyuck to run out, not wanting to make his crush obvious, but the lack of change in Donghyuck's actions throughout the night opened Renjun's eyes a bit. The younger really was flirting with him, and it might not have been a joke.

Whatever. Renjun had ruined everything. The entire experience just made him fall in love with Donghyuck even more, and the way that his heart fluttered when the younger pressed their foreheads together just confimed this. Then his stupid alarm had to go off.

That's right, the alarm was his. Renjun just lied about it so he didn't make Donghyuck feel bad. Now what was going to happen?

Renjun stared down his reflection in the bathroom mirror, the lights way too bright for the time of day. Would he be able to slip out of Donghyuck's sight? Hopefully?

"Renjun, what are you doing?"

Renjun yelped, turning around to see a wincing Donghyuck. "Oh–"

"It's too early for this." Donghyuck swung an arm out, eyes half closed as he started to close his hand around Renjun's wrist. "Let's just go back to sleep."

Renjun (regretfully) tugged his wrist away before Donghyuck could get a tight hold on him. "We're just going to ignore that entire experience?"

"It's too early to talk about that," Donghyuck whined, but then his tone changed. He snapped his eyes open as though he'd been fully awake this entire time. "Unless you really want to talk about it."

Renjun pressed his lips together and slowly nodded. He wanted Donghyuck to start the conversation.

The younger sighed, resting his hands on his hips. "Alright, so we're doing this now. Well, Renjun, I've liked you since last year. Jeno dared us to do this as a way of half setting us up. When I flirt with you, it's not a joke. I turned down the heat in here yesterday just so I could see you in one of my hoodies. And I did wear a crop top at the library because you were staring at my stomach."

Donghyuck let out another sigh and turned around, trekking back towards his room. Renjun only stood in the bathroom, back pressed against the edge of the countertop.

Well, that answered all of his questions. And, god, Donghyuck had been crushing on him for a year already? No wonder the younger refused to tell Renjun his crush; it was literally him.

How had Renjun not realized it sooner? Every Dreamie besides them was taken, Donghyuck didn't even know WayV (not to mention Dejun's crush on Kun), and the only single people in 127 were Taeil, who's AroAce (Renjun was now embarrassed to admit that he had thought Donghyuck liked him); Taeyong, who had too much of a parent-child bond with Donghyuck already; and Jungwoo, who acted friendly with literally everyone. Renjun was the only one left. Of course it was him.

Turning off the bathroom light, Renjun trudged back to Donghyuck's room. The younger was already asleep, which was unfortunate.

Renjun didn't get to tell him he liked him back. And, honestly, he didn't know if he had the confidence to.

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