21 ; i am getting made fun of

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Renjun knew exactly what sort of deep shit that he was going to get into when he had to choose a table to sit at. If he sat with the Dreamies, he might have a chance at surviving lunch while only being intensely drilled by Jaemin. As for the WayV-turned-TMSDT table, he wouldn't get questioned, but instead made fun of.

His choice was made for him. When he arrived at the cafeteria, Donghyuck was already sitting with 127 and Chenle had gone to WayV. Renjun had an idea of how much 127 knew based on their reactions to Donghyuck's post, and, clearly, the younger had chosen the safest option for him. For Renjun, that meant that he had to take a deep breath and avoid all eye contact with The Middle School Debate Team.

Of course, the moment that Renjun plunked his lunchbag down, Yangyang was already leaning forwards to bother him. "Guys, what's the best way to inform your friends that you're in a relationship? Via an Instagram post?"

Kunhang opened his mouth to try and answer, but Yangyang covered his mouth. Chenle, who was seated on Yangyang's other side, turned towards Renjun. "What's your opinion, Renjun? Which one would you go with?"

"This is targeted," Renjun groaned.

"Yeah, and what about it?"

Renjun zipped open his lunch, ignoring the previous question to ask his own. "How obvious was the fact that Hyuck liked me?"

"Very," Kunhang immediately answered. "And I don't even sit with the Dreamies. I don't know how you hadn't figured it out. You don't know 127, all of Dream are taken, and almost all of us are taken or have crushes–" he glanced at Dejun, "–minus Kun, who I doubt you'd want to date as dateable as he is."

"I'm dateable?" Kun asked.

Ten damn near slammed his head on the lunch table. "Did we or did we not have a fuck, marry, kill last month during which everyone came to a consensus that we'd all marry you because– you know what? You're a dumbass." Ten flicked Kun's forehead. "More than Lucas is."

Lucas turned at the mention of his name. "Is that good or bad for me?"

Kun just rolled his eyes, turning around to look at Dejun. "Am I dateable?"

Dejun was clearly both off guard and trying to stop himself from blushing. He couldn't go overboard. "Well, um... you can cook, which is like, half of the requirements. You're smart, too."

"But I'm not romantic." Kun turned away for a moment before looking back at Dejun. "Or am I?"

Renjun cleared his throat, trying to save Dejun from Kun. Based on the look that Dejun had shot him once Kun had turned away, he had suceeded. "That's not the point here."

"Yes, you're right." Ten took back the control of the conversation. "It was obvious, you were oblivious, and now you're dating. Let's move on."

"Actually, though." Lucas leaned forwards, raising an eyebrow. "Mark told me that you two almost kissed before."

"Oh my god, that was my fault." Renjun slammed a hand over his eyes. "Please don't remind me of that."


we started watching the lorax in social yesterday for produce and its great (ive seen it before dw)

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