05 ; i am being rejected

239 13 0

Renjun slammed his locker door shut, already cursing himself out. Really, couldn't his mom have waited until the weekend before snatching his hoodie to wash it?

"Woah, Renjun. Disturbing the public?"

"Shut up, Donghyuck." Renjun glared at the younger. "Seriously, now is not the time. There never is a time, but especially not now."

Donghyuck clicked his tongue. "What's gotten into you?"

The older sighed. "I forgot my hoodie, and my science classroom is freezing. Of course the one day that I decide to wear something with short sleeves–"

Renjun cut himself off when Donghyuck started tugging his own hoodie off. The tee that he'd been wearing rode up a bit as he did this, leaving Renjun to drink in the small amount of Donghyuck's stomach before the younger's face resurfaced from the hoodie.

"Here. Thank me later."

Donghyuck, being the slight asshole that he was, threw the hoodie directly in Renjun's face. The older had the slowest reflexes ever, taking the blow. Once he had tugged the hoodie off, he looked back where Donghyuck had been standing, but he had completely disappeared from the hallway.


active now

donghyuck you ass

are you gna give
back my hoodie

where are you
i'm waiting by ur

i dipped alr


you can just keep

you can't reject me
i'm literally trying to
give you your own
property back

it's literally not a big
just give it back tmrw
and all is good my


what did i do

i'm pretty sure i
might have to wait
for like 20mins for
the next bus

well good for you
you have something
warm to wait in now

you dick

i think you forgot the

i don't care about
your dick you dick

damn 😞
it was worth the shot

i hate you

my god
this is what doing good
things gets me
i see i see


Renjun rolled his eyes at that last message even hours later, wrapped up in the hoodie. Yes, he was a bit angry at Donghyuck, but the hoodie was the warmest piece of clothing he had ever worn, and it smelled really nice. Not only that, but it sort of engulfed Renjun's body, and it was cozy enough to sleep in.

Not that Renjun would ever admit that he had. But, just between himself and his conscious... he caught more than a few hours of sleep in it.

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