19 ; i am obsessed

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Renjun really couldn't wait any longer now that two people had confirmed it.

He went back to school the next day, and he wouldn't be seeing Donghyuck until lunch. Still, he slipped a letter into the younger's locker, asking if they could meet up in the library during lunch.

And, thank whatever god was listening, because Donghyuck was already at a table by the time Renjun arrived. The latter smiled to himself, finally knowing that he was going to say exactly what he wanted to, and none of it would go wrong.

Donghyuck got up out of his seat as Renjun approached. This was it. This was Renjun's moment.

"I wanted to– huahhhhh."

Now, this wasn't quite out of Donghyuck fashion, but Renjun had initially seen the leather jacket and thought that was it. He had no idea that when he looked down, he'd be making eye contact at Donghyuck's belly button, which stared back at him. Of course the shirt Donghyuck had on underneath was cropped.

Fuck! This was supposed to be romantic! If Renjun was the gay casanova that he thought he was, he would've pressed his forehead to Donghyuck's again and brought his hand to the younger's chin, but here he was folding like a chair over Donghyuck's mid-section. Wow, how suave of you, Renjun.

Donghyuck looked down to check what Renjun was staring at, covering his stomach with his hand. "Sorry, I forgot about this."

"Forgot?!" Renjun squeaked. He might as well have called himself obsessed with Donghyuck's stomach. He couldn't even think straight. Quite literally. "Well, you forgetting what you're wearing has made me forget my confession, so how about that?"

Donghyuck laughed. Renjun would call him insensitive, but the entire situation was getting ridiculous. "Okay, wait. One, you shouldn't be that concerned over my stomach, and two, is it a good confession or a bad one?"

"Well, I was going to kiss you, so you can figure that out yourself."

Renjun was expecting Donghyuck mouth to break into that one smirk that he always did when he was about to fluster the older, but it didn't. "No kissing in the library."

"How do you know if that's an actual rule that exists?"

"You said it was common sense. Are you telling me that it's not a real rule?"

"We can fucking make it one. God, Donghyuck, you're so–" Renjun didn't even get to finish his empty thought. Not that he knew where it was going to go, but it was a little startling to be cut off by someone kissing you.

Wait. Donghyuck was kissing Renjun. Not quite how Renjun wished for their first kiss to go, but he could make do with what he was given. The only issue was that he wasn't even sure what he was doing in the first place.

Donghyuck pulled back too soon, before Renjun and his turtle brain could respond. His eyebrows furrowed, but Renjun stopped him before he could even open his mouth. "Hyuck, no, I like you. I just wasn't expecting that. You have a very attractive stomach and I want to kiss all the moles on your face which kind of makes me wish you had one on your lips or below them or on your stomach or something so that I could kiss there–" Renjun cut himself off with a deep breath, and that's when he realized that he hadn't even filtered his words. This was stupid. This was peak Renjun idiocy.

Finally, that particular smirk made its debut on Donghyuck's face. "Oh, really? I appreciate the comments on my... abdomen."

"Don't take it weirdly!"

"You're the one with the weird obsession." Donghyuck reached out his hand, intertwining his fingers with Renjun's. "I'm really hoping this is your way of telling me that you want to date."

Renjun squeezed Donghyuck's hand. "That's code for yes."

Donghyuck nodded happily, grabbing his lunch from where he had planted it on the library table. "Let's go see the others, and then you should come over later so that I can sit in my room shirtless and you can look."

"Shut the fuck up!"

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