Sorry excuse of a goodbye.

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Rain hit the roof as his father and brother argued.
It was the same argument they seem to have every night and it always ends the same way, at least it used to. Today it ended differently.

"I hate you! You never let me do anything."
The words were full of venom, a bitterness that clung to every syllable. Wilbur screamed and he cried trying to get his point across. Tommy knew even at his young age that his brother was a liar.
A good one at that.

"Will please mate I just want what's best for you."
His father begged for Wilbur to listen, it was a futile attempt. There was no way of stopping this out burst and everyone knew that.
"No you don't! I want what's best for me, all you care about its Techno"

Techno was quick to react to hearing his name. Looking up at his brother, his twin flame. Brown eyes held an unreadable emotion.
"Will you know that's not true dad cares about us both.."
The young brunette sat, inwardly scoffing at the words watching as his older brother stormed off once again this time not saying anything in return.

His bright blue eyes looked over to the worn grey eyes of his father who now sunk down against the kitchen island pinching the bridge of his nose as his other brother rushed to comfort him. It wasn't an uncommon sight yet this time it felt needed, like his father wasn't being dramatic.

                ~~YOU DIED~~
~restart?~                        ~quit~

Mario bounced up and down as Tommy closed the red DS. Small stickers were plaster all over the cover, most of them were characters from adventure time but some were cartoon animals.
He would never beat this level, not when Phil and Wilbur were around they caused too much of a distraction.

Grass was paraded on as three figures ran around in circles. Blonde and brown mixing as they danced around each other, no one wanted to get caught in a game of tag after all.
"You can't get me!!"
Brown swayed in the wind as he chased the small child, baby fat still clear on his young face.

"Tommy quick Techno will get you and destroy l'manburg"
Just then a long pair of arms encased him.
Blonde hair clouded his vision as Techno picked him up, Wilbur quickly running after the pair as his twin made the escape with the youngest.

Soft feet padded along the floor as a young brunette ran down the corridor. Bright blue eyes locked onto the wooden door that had golden letters glued onto it. A small fist kicked against the door and Tommy greeted his brother,
"Hey Tec-.."
"Not now Tommy I'm busy."

Tommy stared into the room, only to see the back of his brothers head. He had dyed his hair red. It was pretty in Tommys opinion, Techno claimed that the blonde hair had gotten boring but he turned around and ran off to find his next source of entertainment.

As Tommy bounced down the hallway he heard the strumming of a guitar. He made it to the door. His hand raised to knock, only to pause and consider the action. Going against his gut feeling he knocked.

"Come in"
"Do you ever shut the fuck up."
A guitar was softly placed on the bed as bright blue eyes met cold brown ones. The younger tracking his every more as if his older brother was something to be scared of. Something that would hurt him.

"I mean come on Tommy. Do you really still need to be by my side every hour of everyday?"
"I.. I'm sorry Will I was jus-"
"Acting like a child."

Just then a hand was raised into the air. Quick enough to make a satisfying Swoosh, it trembled in the air before swinging down quicker than it initially went up. As it met a warm freckled cheek a loud sound echoed across the entire house.

Once clear blue eyes now clouded with salty tears as a red mark began to form on his face, just then he was pushed out of the doorway only able to see Wilbur slam the door in front of him. The door frame visibly shaking as Tommy stared at the bright blue letters that were painted on his brothers door.

Tommy cried that night, only waking up to see a deep purple mark on the left side of his face.

"Dad! We're going to miss our plane!" Wilbur voice was deeper now yet it still held the same nerdy ring to it.
Was today really the day they were leaving?
"Calm down Wilbur I'm coming."
Will was first to jump into the front of the car
Tommy didn't even get close to putting his foot in the red converse as the car sped off.

Staring at the empty drive way Tommy sat with one door in his shoe while the other still laid against the cold floor. Both of them had just vanished and he hadn't even said goodbye.

Silence filled the now empty house as Tommy made his way back up the stairs but instead of going back to his own room his feet decided to pull him towards Wilbur's room.

It was too quite.
No more music sheets littered the floor, there was one guitar tucked into the corner of the now empty room it was scratched and old but Tommy took it anyways.
The instrument holding too many fragile memories.

Wilbur's bed was stripped of any covers that was once covered the discoloured mattress, only leaving the frame which was pushed up to the window, the dressers and closet looked the exact same.

Stripped of any evidence of Wilbur.

Curious is something that is unexplainable. Tommy knew he shouldn't have looked through his brothers belongings, that he should've turned around and carried on with his day. But he didn't.

A white box laid in the top drawer of Wilbur's dresser. It was larger than his palm given that he was only thirteen and was a still growing boy but it was a red triangle looking thing with thick black words reading 'Marlboro'.

Tommy pocketed them without another word.

Techno's room was no different to his twin's.
Their rooms mirror one and other, which meant that there would been no arguments between the two of them.

It was just as empty.

Tommy felt alone. That was nothing new but now it sat heavier on his shoulders.
Sure he felt alone but now he was truly alone.

His dad, Phil arrived home later that night.

The two of them didn't speak to each other. Phil didn't ask if he had eaten or if he had a nice day. He didn't care.

Tommy was alone.

He was thirteen when he first smoked a cigarette and he now understood why Wilbur would do it so often. The way that the smoke clings to every fabric was a plea for help, he wanted to be caught he wanted to be noticed.

You Don't Get To Come Back!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora