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Light purple walls and soft white carpet was the physical layout of the room, in the centre of said room was a bed. The curtains were closed and piles upon pile of blankets were thrown across the bed. Decorating the bedroom were variations of plants and polaroids.

Chatter could be heard downstairs as the bedroom door swung open. Gentle footsteps made there way towards the bed, the weight of the mattress shifted as he sat down.

A tuff of blond hair then emerged from the blankets, the sight itself was hilarious but for some reason fondness grew within the brunette. George had to stop himself from laughing at the sight, "Hey Toms"

Tommy blinked at the man before smiling.
The bandage shifted with his face and it seemed a lot more prominent then before, his eye bags had lightened however.
"Gogs, wassup ?"

For a moment George just looked at Tommy, not long enough for anyone to ever realise but long enough to question how anyone come ever hit him for merely telling the truth.

"Just here to look at your cheek."
Tommy faltered at that. He made his way to George all the same and sat on the edge of the bed, blanket still heavy on his shoulders.
The first aid kit was open and sat at the side of them."I've already washed my hands but I can clean them again if you'd like?"
Tommy shook his head.

Soft pale hands made their way towards his freckled face his cheeks were red, they always were and his eyes were shiny due to the reflection of the fairy lights surrounding them.

A red bandage was pulled off and put to one side, brown eyes looked closely at the cut. It wasn't deep enough to need stitches but it would definitely need cleaned again. "Tell me if this hurts Toms" He opened the antiseptic wipes and started cleaning around the cut, Tommy hissed at the sting again.

George then put a new bandage on and hugged Tommy.

The blonde melted into the touch. He always did. George wasn't one to give out many hugs, he's always been more of a gift buying and kind words type of person. It was nice, really nice.

They sat in silence for awhile before Tommy held him slightly tighter.
"It's not the first time he's hit me y'know?"
After a few minutes of hesitation George replied. "what?"

George didn't know what to do. This was Karl's thing or maybe even Sapnaps and Quackitys. Not George's. But the blondes eyes begged him to stay, to listen.
"When I was younger."

After that Tommy didn't say anything. Tears fell from his face and George held him tighter in his arms. He cried himself to sleep, George made his way towards the middle of the bed and laid down with Tommy still in his arms.

Both of them laid with blankets shielding them from the outside world. What Tommy said had raised more questions than answers but in that moment they didn't care. Both of them were safe.

Later Punz made his way upstairs to find the two cuddling. A photo was later sent to the group chat, Dream spammed instantly saying he was wonder where his wife went.
Karl responded with his own picture of him and Tommy. It was from the day they all met. Sapnap and Quackity made fun of George while somehow adoring Tommy at the same time.

When they woke up nothing more was said.
Tommy walked downstairs only to be greeted by Sapnap who instantly dragged him into a hug from behind, large arms encasing him in the warmest bear hug.
The elder rested his chin on Tommys head as he waddled them both towards the kitchen.

Karl was trying to make cookies but the flour was being thrown around the entire kitchen coating all of them in the powder.
Tommy looked to to see Quackity raising his hands in a surrendering motion. Then Punz shot up and tackled him which caused both Quackity and Karl to scream. Sapnap stared in disappointment as he held Tommy tighter.

Flour still coated the countertops but the house smelt like freshly baked cookies and proud smiles painted everyone's face when they realised that the cookies hadn't gone to shit.
Just as they were placed down Dream bursted through the front door. His feet obviously weren't working with his body as the blonde tipped forward and nearly landed into the pizza boxes.

Laughter filled the living room as everyone sat down to eat, conversations cut in over each other and no one truly understood what the other was saying but it worked. They all made it work.
Tommy laughed at Punz when he tried to make rings with the smoke from his vape which caused him to throw it at Tommy and tell him to try. With no prior knowledge and very bad instructions he got it on his second try.

Quackity the laughed at Punz even though his mouth was full of pizza, everyone instantly shouted at him to close his mouth, some people gagged as others yelled. Karl and Sapnap were sharing a box of nuggets and they often threw one at Tommy when he asked for one. George sat with Dream and they seemed to be talking about something but it was probably just nothing.

Tommy could stay here forever but they had school tomorrow, so they all eventually had to go to bed.

Everyone said there good nights and Tommy was left in the living room. All of them had offered to share their rooms with him, it was kinda funny seeing all of his newly found family try and persuade him to stay in their room. It was like whoever he chose won the worlds largest trophy.

"You're a grade-A selfish cunt!"
Wilbur's british accent was always stronger when he was angry.It meant that Tommy was going to get hit.
The shouting happened more often than not and it led to Tommy trying everything in order to get rid of his British accent.
Technoblade never really did anything to stop Wilbur. Nor did his dad.

"Honestly Tommy how dare you try an replace me! After everything and I mean everything i've done for you!"
It was some random week day. They had just moved to America and it was Tommy first day of school. He had met a new friend, he was a grade or two older.

Wilbur didn't like that.

"What gives you the right!"
He stepped forward.
Tommy stepped back.
"What was his name? Dan?"
Daniel was nice. Tommy nodded.
"Stay the fuck away from him you little shit!"
Wilbur raised his hand but before he swung his open palm became a heavy fist. The child fell to the floor hitting his head on the table pushing him into unconsciousness.

Tommy woke up with a gasp. His head was throbbing and he couldn't stop crying. Trembling hands reached for the jacket pocket fishing out a lighter and a packet of cigarettes. The blonde stood on shaking legs as if he was a baby deer but he eventually made his way to the back door.

The bite of the cold was the first thing he felt, it felt soothing. He sat down and got a warming sense of déjà vu, he remembered what happened last time he was out here.
The memory was a fond one. Warmth made its way out of the lighter as he held it up to his mouth, the cigarette lit within a second or two.

It smelt terrible, they always did. The tingling sensation came all too quick, he watched as the ash fell but it was calming to see.

No one interrupted him this time.
He didn't know why he was so upset. He went upstairs and into the first room he saw that still had the light on.

Punz stared at him.
Tommys eyes were red and puffy his cheeks covered in tear tracks and blonde hair disheveled.
It was a sad sight to see.
Punz opened his arms and Tommy happily ran into them. The hug was long and seemed to be never ending before the eldest pulled back slightly "nightmare?" Tommy nodded his head. That's all that needed to be said between them and they went back to their hug.

Then there was six different alarms coming from six different rooms.

Monday mornings are the worst.

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