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Even from a young age Tommy knew that families weren't necessarily guarantee to love you.  It helps obviously because you have to live with them and you have to get along with them or you'll get grounded.

It was a weird concept in all honesty. Just because he was born into this family it automatically means they deserve his love and attention. That's why he's been dragged into his dads car at 5 o'clock in the morning to pick up some strangers who just do happen to be related to him.

Trees shot past as the low hum of the car filled his ears. Phil didn't try talk to him and it was clear that he didn't want Tommy to talk either. They both sat in silence. Since they were in such a "rush" Tommy wasn't allowed to grab his earphones which in his opinion was torture.
Blue eyes drifted toward the window as he watch the birds fly past and the wind battle with the trees.

It was oddly peaceful.

He knew it wouldn't last but much like last night he just wishes he had a few more minutes to stare into nothingness. Just then a big concrete building came into view and planes filled the air, some arriving and some leaving.

The green quickly turned grey and the birds turned into people with heavy looking suitcases and stressed faces. Phil pulled into a parking space and put the car into park. Everything was too still so much so it was uncomfortable.

"They're in Gate 3, we need to go."

Cold. The car was warm, the air was tight but heated, the sun was out even if he couldn't see it. So why did Tommy feel so cold?

A car door slammed shut as Tommy opened his. He looked down at his red converse. They were definitely worn and ripped in certain places but he still wore them every day even if they didn't match his outfit.

For example today he was wearing ripped black jeans and a green jumper (which was knitted by himself). They never really left his feet.

He eventually followed after the elder. Every step felt like a weight was being added to his back. They eventually got inside and it was a complete contrast to the parking lot, the air-con wizzed as people pushed passed other. It looked like a battle ground, loud, busy, chaotic.
Phil then continue walking not bothering to check and see if his youngest was still following him.

Gateway 3

Tommy waited behind his father just mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
Text from Dream
Oh? He gave Dream his number the other day but he wasn't expecting the elder to text him so soon. We're going out at 10 wanna come?
It's 6am. who in their right mind gets up at 6?

Yeah sure. Where?

He left the app and once again started scrolling on instagram liking some of his classmates posts and swiping past a few of their stories.

Walmart and then the park just to hang out y'know? I'll pick you up if you wanna.

Yeah sure
my address is 24 Logstedshire road.

He trusts Dream.

Blue eyes snapped up from his phone to where Phil was standing only to see a tall brunette wrapping his arms around Phil. The mop of curly brown hair was clearly messy from the flight and he was wearing black sweat pants and a yellow sweater. His shoes were just simple black trainers.

Another man stood close with a very obvious smile on his face. He however had pink hair that was tied back into a messy bun and gold rimmed glasses that were sat on the edge of his nose. He was wearing the exact same as the other but he wore a light blue hoodie instead.

Tommy stood to the side as the stranger hugged his father. His dad was smiling. Bright white teeth looked as if they were shining in the light and his eyes were barely visible with how much they were squinting. It stung more than it should've.

Finally the brunette let go and the other man hugged his father. This time however he spotted Tommy standing awkwardly to the side.

He was surprised that the man knew his name because he had no clue who these men were.
His eyes stayed trained on the three men.
The man looked almost hurt. Tommy couldn't understand why but he didn't care. He was here to pick up Wilbur and Techno- ohh.

"Hi Wilbur, Hi Technoblade."
This seemed to hurt them more. They have changed so much. Phil, Techno and Wilbur all seemed a bit caught off guard and for what felt like the 100th time today Tommy had no understanding of why.
It's frustrating.

"Hey Toms."
Oh. That's how they're going to play it.
He knew he had already said that. But for some reason it was the only thing he felt like he could say. It was just so.. Abnormal. They were so different. He was so different.

"You're so tall and you've dyed your hair! And when did you get fashion sense. Was it from Ranboo?"

Tommy had to hold back a scoff. He's been back for... five minutes maybe? and he's already handing out back handed compliment like he's been here his entire life.

It was just as cold as his father was earlier. maybe even colder. His words that were once filled with so much warmth had become freezing.

"Oh. Well we just have to wait on Niki then we can go."

"Ranboos sister?"

The brunette looked up from his phone ready to answer the youngest but was cut off by Techno.
"Yeah we promised we'd give her a ride."


"We'll be back before 10 right?"

It was Phils turn to answer now since he would be the one driving.
"Probably. Why, where are you going?"
This is why he didn't want his brothers to come home. Everyone will now be on his back. He can't sneak out. He can't smoke inside. His entire routine would have to change just for some strangers.

"Out. With my friends." It was dry. unexplained, nothing for anyone to really explore if they wanted to decipher his words.
Just then Wilbur perked up. He knew that look. That's his I'm going to start shit look.

"You have friends other than Tubbo and Ranboo!? Wow"
The blond was just as unimpressed as before and even Techno looked fed up with his twin.

"I'm not friends with them anymore. You'd know if you called"

It was Wilbur's turn to be shocked now, but both his father and his other brother looked equally as shocked. He didn't say anything that wasn't true. Wilbur turned an ugly shade of red and looked like he was about to explode.

"Will! Tech!"

A woman with blond hair quickly made her way towards the group. She only stopped to look at Tommy and Phil, talk to the twins. Her suitcase was grey with flowers on it.

"Oh hi Phil! Nice to see you again" Her smile was nice and polite. It was amazing how someone so nice could be friends with his brothers.

Phil smiled and said they same thing back and then she turned to Tommy.
"Tommy! Nice to finally meet you I'm Niki!"
Tommy knows about Niki because Ranboo used to talk about how proud he was of his sister for getting into a college abroad.

"Hi Niki , it's nice to meet you too, Ranboo told me lots about you. It's nice to finally put a face to it all y'know"
She smiled before saying "Haha yeah I understand it's nice to meet the twins little bother."

They then all walked to the car. Tommy once again jumped in the front with Phil driving and with all the suit cases sat in the trunk they set off.

7:13am he had three hours to get home, change, and get out of his house.

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