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Tommy rolled over, his shoulder taking most of his weight as he shifted to lay on his side. Blue eyes met green and the teen beamed at the sight of his friends. He push his hand under himself to support his movements.

Short and sharp breaths came out of the blonde as he struggled to sit up. Dream offered no help, just stared at him with a blank look in his eyes.

"Dream! You came."
The man shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he looked down on the blonde. With a roll of his eyes he started "you called." irritation dripped from the words, falling into the thick pool of blood underneath the teen.

From behind the two of them someone choked on a laugh, the room began spinning as Tommy ripped his head around, abnormally quick.

The four of them were in Wilbur's bedroom. Everything looked the same as the last time Tommy was in here but it was now more lived in. The brunette stood tall with a hand over his mouth. Delicate in a way, his nails had blood under them and purple splotches began forming on his knuckles.

"You came. You called awh." A deep laugh came from the man "I didn't know you were so soft Dream." Tommy looked back towards Dream who rolled his eyes.

"of course, you aimed your statement towards me right Dream?" Brown curls bounced with every movement, they were well kept to say it was comparable to a birds nest.
"Obviously, who else would I want to speak to."

Tommy had known that people just let you down time and time again. He had promised himself that after Tubbo and Ranboo that he'd stay lonely until he was able to get far away from this place. 

For a moment he wondered if the blood in his veins had iced over or better yet that his heart had stopped working. Dream looked back down at him, disgust clear in his eyes. His nose was scrunched up, distorting the freckles that painted his face. "Don't be silly Wilbur."

The words lefts Punz lips and only then was Tommy alerted of his presence, he saw Wilbur's open hand that was only there to gesture at the blonde, who was still bound to the floor.

Memories flooded his mind and they were enough to cause Tommy to flinch, brown hair fell back as Wilbur tipped his head back to laugh. He removed his hand from the air and let it dangle by his side.

Dream nudged the teen with his shoe, watching with curiosity as he flinched violently at the action. Punz laughed and Wilbur shook his hand excited to get some energy out of his system.

A arm was drawn back and Dreams punches were certainly heavier than Wilbur's. Tommys head snapped back and he laid on the floor once again.

Soft beeping sped up shaking Tommy from his sleep, he's chest heaved as he shot up.

Blue eyes open only to immediately regret the action as light blinded his eyes resulting in him clamping them back together. The smell of rubbing alcohol was apparent and everything felt so clean.

There was no longer a wet patch sat underneath him as a metallic smell filled his nose. With no red in he mentally relaxed.

He felt the beating of his heart inside his chest as he watch the lines run up and down on the monitor.

Soft blue eyes opened to see a blank wall staring straight back at him. Slightly terrified and confused he searched for the call button, the act being all to familiar for him.

Heels clacked against the floor as a nurse peered into the room. Her red hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail and she had ducks on her lanyard. It was cute.

"oh Thomas."
she blinked at him owlishly and Tommy would've laughed in any other situation.

The blue uniform settled on her shoulder as he ran his eyes over her. She was a normal looking nurse, nothing really special about her.

If she had said something he didn't hear it, yet she turned around and all he could do was listen to the clacking of her heels as she walked away.

His head thrummed and pain lingered in everyone of his movements. Confusion hit him like a ton of bricks but before he was able to question anything the door opened again and a familiar ponytail swished into view.

"Okay Thomas, you have a few police officers that would like to see you." she smiled in-between her words, green eyes wrinkling as she did. The nurse wasn't old in all fairness maybe early twenties. Noticing his hesitation she continued "..or you can wait until" she paused for a moment "Dream.? gets here."

If he was able to he would've laughed because he reacted the exact same way. No one in the world would call their kid Dream willingly.
"It's who you were asking for in the ambulance."


"Um what..happened?" His lips were chapped and he needed a glass of water.
She looked up from the clipboard and her hand and removed itself from the IV drip.
"Would you like to know your diagnosis?"

Her face twisted in a pained way as her eyes skimmed over the clip board.

"Yes, please."
The words tumbled out of his mouth and his tongue was heavy in his mouth and sleep lingered in his eyes. Yet he had an urge, he needed to know what happened.

"Your report states that you have both a broken arm and a broken nose."
The shadow of Wilbur's punch was still cast upon his face.

She winced as she continued on,"Two ribs were broken while chest compressions were given,"

Dreams hands hammered on his chest as he tried and failed to bing life back into the boy. Wilbur was on the floor with Punz stopping him from moving as the football captain began rescue breaths. Only to be ripped away by the paramedics.

"You're also heavily concussed"

A curl of a hand and the strike of a fist was all it took for Tommy to be left sprawled out on the bedroom floor.

She took a breath as she finished the list "Dehydrated and your lungs aren't in great condition either." Her ponytail fell from her shoulder "multiple cuts and bruises to the body".

Tommy stared at her in slight surprise. All she was able to do was stare back, she offered up a small smile much like Eret did. "I hope you are alright now Thomas. Is there anything I can get for you?"

He blinked and covered his mouth as he coughed, "Water and uhm my head hurts, I'm not sure if you can help with that." She nods her head cause the orange hair to swish. "I can get you some water, I'll have to get you a prescription for painkillers however."

She pulled a pen from her pocket, "scale from one to ten?" He contemplated it before replying "six." He only received a nod before she walked out to collect whatever he needed.

Water was gliding down his throat not a minute later as well as the confirmation that his friends are on their way.

Just as exhaustion tried to take its claim on his brain again Tommy heard the opening of the door and his eyes bolted to the only exit in the room.

A tuff of blonde hair peeked out from behind the door. Green eyes blinking at him before the man was shoved to the floor and another with black hair ran at him, the bandana tight around his head which most likely was the cause of his lack of knowledge.

Arms wrapped around him as several people made their way into the room. The hospital had never been a great place for Tommy but he guesses that it's a little more bearable now.

Dream ruffled his hair as Karl rambled to him. Brown eyes looking down on him with a soft smile and a shake of the head, George was never one for words.

Punz stood at the foot of the bed looking behind his should every now and then to ensure their safety. Quackity joined Sapnap and he's positive that he saw the man cry.

He was safe. Tommy was home.

You Don't Get To Come Back!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ